Partial Index
Montana's Wild and Scenic Upper Missouri River

Montana's Wild and Scenic Upper Missouri River by Glenn Monahan and Chanler Biggs, was published in 2001.
Three chapters in the book deal extensively with homesteaders along the upper Missouri River; in many cases, family stories are told. The book was not indexed.

Janet D. Thomson prepared an index for the chapters dealing with homesteaders and local characters and Glenn Monahan
has permitted us to post the index for the benefit of those whose ancestors were written about in the book.

Aldrich, Frank 185
Archer's Island 71
Armell, Charles 198
Armells Creek 198
Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act 135,174
Bar Diamond E Cattle Company 176
Bentel, Ed 162
Benton, Thomas Hart 32
Brule' Bottom 128
Burris, N. W. 69
Cassidy, Butch 193
Chardon, Francoise A. 128-9
Chief Joseph 168-169
Chittenden 131
Coburn, Bob & Bill 186
Cope, Edward Drinker 128
Culbertson, Alexander 32,128-130
Cummings, Alfred 130
Curry, George "Flat Nose" 191,193
Curry, Harvey [Logan] 191-192
Curry, Henry [Logan] 191-194
Curry, Johnny [Logan] 191-193
Curry, "Kid" 191-194
Curry, Loney [Logan] 191-193
Dauphin, Louis 138-141
Duncan, Matt 127
Garber, Fred 162
Gill, Jim 193
Gladstone, William 167
Hank, Camillo 193
Harvey, Primeau & Co. 41
Hatch, Edwin 131
Hayden, F. V.,geologist 128
Hole-In-The-Wall Gang 193
James Fergus Ranch 177
Jew jake Harris Saloon 192
Johnson, John "Liver-Eating" 180-181
Judith Mercantile & Cattle Company 125-127
Kendall, Charles H. 196
Kies, Kris 185
Kipp, James 169-172
Knoblock, Margaret 196
Koch, Peter 179-180

LaBarge, Joe 140
LaBarge, Harkness & Co. 40
Landusky, "Pike" 185,191-192
Lass, William E. 166
Lee, Bob 191
Lee, Mrs. Hiram 191
Lewis & Clark 131-133,152-153, 159-160, 164-166, 181-183
Lilian, Dorothy 188
Little Rockies Exploration Company 186
Logan, Marcus 189
Lohse, Hartwig 127
Loomis, Eugene 188
Louis, "Dutch" 185
Maiden-Judith-Big Sandy Stage 127
Maximilian, Alexander 55
McKenzie, Kenneth 52
Mitchell, David 52
Mullan, John 35
Natahki 42-43
Nepee 185
Norris, Maj. Gilman R. 125-127
Overholser, Joel 167,169
Phillips, B. D. 186-187
Phillips, Walter 187
PN Ranch 177
Potter, J. A.Canada Jim 162
Powers, T. C. 125
Ruby Gulch Mining Co. 186-187
Schultz, James Willard 42-43,127, 129, 138-140, 155-156, 194-195, 198-199;
Stevens, Hazard 131
Stevens, Isaac 130
Stevens Treaty Council 130
Thornhill, Jim 192,194
Wells, James A. 125
Whitcomb, Charles 186
Winters, Jim 193
Wylder, Eva C. 188
Zortman, Pete 185

Forts & Places

Assiniboine 77
Benton 32,130
Campbell 41-42
Camp Cooke 121-123
Camp Otis 77
Chardon 47,128
Clagett 120,125
Clay 32

FAC 47,128
Fox & Livingston 51
Judith Landing 125-128
LaBarge 40
Lewis 32
Piegan 32,67
McKenzie 32


Allison, Glenn 157
Archer, David 71
Bain, Luther & Martha 103
Baker, Joseph 129,130
Baker, Sarah 130
Bellah, Cyrus 183-185
Bellah, Hilliard 183-184
Black 80
Blanchard, Mary Roberts 100
Bridgeford, William L. 92
Brown, Percy 94
Cameron, Herbert 135
Christensen, Christen R.94
Clyborne, George 135
Clark, Gage 89,90
Conley, James 85,86
Crabtree, Nat 113-115
Creighton, Mr. & Mrs. 90
DeWeese, Isaac "Ike" 172, 174
Dimitroff, George 100
Duvall, Samuel H. 189
Ebersole, Jake 81
Ekegren, Elwell "Frip" 176
Ervin, John 161-163
Fisk 196
Gist Family 163
Greenwell, Jesse & Ruby 94-96
Hagadone, Frank 133-137
Hagood, Mary Robertson 154-155
Harris, Steve 80
Heldt, Walter 156
Hellar, William 135
Heller, Juanita 185
Hertel, Mrs. Delta 184
Isaacson, John T. 79
Isaacson Bottom 79
Jappey 80
Johnson, John 94,95
Jones Family 172
Kendall, Arthur 189,198
Kendall, Charles E. 196-198
Kendall, Ruby Henry 197
Kendall, Ruby Noordam
Shellito 198
Kid Curry 191
Kipp, James 170-172, 199
Kipp, Joseph 171-172

Larson, Andrew 103
Lidstone, Ruby 100,101
Logan, Harvey 191
Lohse, Arthur 99
Lohse, Hartwig 127
Loomis, Claude & Dorothy176, 188-190
Magdall, John 148-152
Magdall, Mary 149
Matchett, Leo F. 90
McGuffin, Edgar 79
McClelland, John A. 136-138
Micklus, Mike 102
Middleton, George 158,160-1
Munro, Jimmy/Jack 81
Horse Rustler's Cabin 81
Murray, John 85,86
Nelson, August "Gus" 176-178
Norris, Maj. Gilman R. 125-127
Nottingham, Hildia 108
Orth, Helena A. "Lena" 133-135
Peterson, Charlie 135
Ritland, Thor 90
Robinson, Fred L. 199
Rolf, Ferdinand 108
Rolf, Frederick 108,112,113
Russell, Charles Frank 174-176, 184,190
Russell, Estell Mary 174-176, 190
Sanford, George 163
Sanford, John 163
Seacrist, Bud 174
Seacrist, Estell Mary 174
Sexton, Arch H. 93
Shepherd, George 176
Shinn, Rena 137-138
Sluggett, Lester 99,113
Smith, Ervin L. 156-158
Smith, Arnold 156,158
Smith, John R. 189
Stafford, James 138
Thompson, Robert L. 79
Todd, Tom 129,130
Wilson, Major B. 154-155

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