Name Date Established Date Abandoned
Fort Abercrombie, North Dakota 1858 1878
Fort Abraham Lincoln (Fort McKeen), N. D. 1872 1891
Fort Assinniboine, Montana 1878 1911
Cantonment Bad Lands, N. D. 1879 1883
Fort Bennett (Cheyenne River Agency), S. D. 1870 1891  
*Fort Benton, Mont. 1869 1881
*Fort Bridger, Wyoming 1858 1890
*Fort Berthold, N. D. 1864 1867
Fort Buford, N. D. 1866 1895
Fort Casper (Old Platte Bridge), Wyo. 1865 1867
Fort C. F. Smith, Montana 1866 1868
Camp Cooke, Montana 1866 1870
Fort Crook, Nebr. 1891 1948
Fort Custer (Big Horn Post), Mont. 1877 1898
Fort Dakota, S. D. 1865 1869
Fort Ellis, Mont. 1867 1886
Fort Fetterman, Wyo 1867 1882
Fort Francis E. Warren (Post on Crow Creek, 1867 1948
Fort David A. Russell), Wyo.Grand River Agency, S. D. 1870 1875
Fort Fred Steele, Wyo. 1868 1886
Fort Hale (Lower Brule Indian Agency), S. D. 1870 1884  
Camp Hancock, N. D. 1872 1877
Fort Hartsuff (North Loup), Nebr. 1874 1881
Fort James, S. D. 1865 1866
Fort Kearny, No. 1, Nebr. 1846 1848
Fort Kearny, No. 2 (Fort Childs), Nebr. 1848 1871
Fort Keogh (New Post on the Yellowstone, 1876 1908
Cantonment on Tongue River, Tongue River Barracks), Mont.*Fort Laramie, Wyo. 1849 1890
Fort Logan (Camp Baker), Mont. 1869 1880
Fort Lookout, S. D. 1856 1857
Fort McKinney (Cantonment Reno), Wyo. 1876 1894
Fort McPherson (Cantonment McKean, Post at Cottonwood Springs, Fort Cottonwood), Nebr 1863 1880
Fort Maginnis, Mont. 1880 1890
Fort Meade (Camp Ruhlen), S. D. 1878 1944
Fort Missoula, Mont. 1877 1918
  1921 1941
  1944 1946
Fort Mitchell, Nebr. 1864 1867
Fort Niobrara, Nebr. 1880 1906
North Platte Station, (Camp Sergeant or Sergent), Nebr. 1867 1881
Fort Omaha (Post at Omaha, Omaha Barracks), Nebr. 1863 1947
Camp 0. 0. Howard, Wyo. 1885 1885
Fort Pembina, N. D. 1870 1895
*Fort Pierre, S. D. 1855 1857
Fort Philip Kearny (New Fort Reno), Wyo. 1866 1868
Platte Bridge (Fort Davis, Fort Clay), Wyo. 1855 1859
Plum Creek, Nebr. 1864 1865
Camp Poplar River, Mont. 1880 1893
Pilot Butte, Wyo. 1885 1899
Fort Randall, S. D. 1856 1892
Fort Ransom, N. D. 1867 1872
Camp Red Willow, Nebr. 1872 1872
Fort Reno (Fort Connor), Wyo. 1865 1868
Fort Rice, N. D. 1864 1878
Fort (Camp) Robinson, Nebr. 1874 1948
Fort Sanders (Fort John Buford), Wyo. 1866 1882
Fort Seward (Fort Cross), N. D. 1872 1877
Fort Shaw (Camp Reynolds) 1867 1891
Camp Sheridan, Nebr. 1874 1881
Fort Sidney (Sidney Barracks), Nebr. 1867 1894
Fort Sisseton (Fort Wadsworth), S. D. 1864 1888
Camp Stambaugh, Wyo. 1870 1878
Fort Sully No. 1, S. D. 1863 1866
Fort Sully No. 2, S. D. 1866 1894
Fort Thompson (Crow Creek Agency), S. D. 1870 1871
Fort Totten, N. D. 1867 1890
*Fort Union, N. D. 1864 1865
Fort Washakie (Camp Augur, Camp Brown), Wyo. 1869 1909
Whetstone Agency, S. D. 1870 1872
Fort Yates (Grand River Agency Standing Rock Agency), N. D. 1874 1903
Fort Yellowstone (Camp Sheridan), Wyo. 1886 1918

*Posts originally constructed as fur trading establishments.

The dates indicate years in which they were occupied and abandoned as garrisons.

Posted with permission from the Publisher who retains all copyright. >From Mattison, Ray H., "The Army Post on the Northern Plains, 1865-1885" in NEBRASKA HISTORY, Volume XXXV, Number 1, March 1954. This material cannot be reproduced with permission.

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