Name |
Date Established |
Date Abandoned |
Fort Abercrombie, North Dakota |
1858 |
1878 |
Fort Abraham Lincoln (Fort McKeen), N. D. |
1872 |
1891 |
Fort Assinniboine, Montana |
1878 |
1911 |
Cantonment Bad Lands, N. D. |
1879 |
1883 |
Fort Bennett (Cheyenne River Agency), S. D. 1870 |
1891 |
*Fort Benton, Mont. |
1869 |
1881 |
*Fort Bridger, Wyoming |
1858 |
1890 |
*Fort Berthold, N. D. |
1864 |
1867 |
Fort Buford, N. D. |
1866 |
1895 |
Fort Casper (Old Platte Bridge), Wyo. |
1865 |
1867 |
Fort C. F. Smith, Montana |
1866 |
1868 |
Camp Cooke, Montana |
1866 |
1870 |
Fort Crook, Nebr. |
1891 |
1948 |
Fort Custer (Big Horn Post), Mont. |
1877 |
1898 |
Fort Dakota, S. D. |
1865 |
1869 |
Fort Ellis, Mont. |
1867 |
1886 |
Fort Fetterman, Wyo |
1867 |
1882 |
Fort Francis E. Warren (Post on Crow Creek, |
1867 |
1948 |
Fort David A. Russell), Wyo.Grand River Agency, S. D. |
1870 |
1875 |
Fort Fred Steele, Wyo. |
1868 |
1886 |
Fort Hale (Lower Brule Indian Agency), S. D. 1870 |
1884 |
Camp Hancock, N. D. |
1872 |
1877 |
Fort Hartsuff (North Loup), Nebr. |
1874 |
1881 |
Fort James, S. D. |
1865 |
1866 |
Fort Kearny, No. 1, Nebr. |
1846 |
1848 |
Fort Kearny, No. 2 (Fort Childs), Nebr. |
1848 |
1871 |
Fort Keogh (New Post on the Yellowstone, |
1876 |
1908 |
Cantonment on Tongue River, Tongue River Barracks), Mont.*Fort
Laramie, Wyo. |
1849 |
1890 |
Fort Logan (Camp Baker), Mont. |
1869 |
1880 |
Fort Lookout, S. D. |
1856 |
1857 |
Fort McKinney (Cantonment Reno), Wyo. |
1876 |
1894 |
Fort McPherson (Cantonment McKean, Post at Cottonwood Springs,
Fort Cottonwood), Nebr |
1863 |
1880 |
Fort Maginnis, Mont. |
1880 |
1890 |
Fort Meade (Camp Ruhlen), S. D. |
1878 |
1944 |
Fort Missoula, Mont. |
1877 |
1918 |
1921 |
1941 |
1944 |
1946 |
Fort Mitchell, Nebr. |
1864 |
1867 |
Fort Niobrara, Nebr. |
1880 |
1906 |
North Platte Station, (Camp Sergeant or Sergent), Nebr. |
1867 |
1881 |
Fort Omaha (Post at Omaha, Omaha Barracks), Nebr. |
1863 |
1947 |
Camp 0. 0. Howard, Wyo. |
1885 |
1885 |
Fort Pembina, N. D. |
1870 |
1895 |
*Fort Pierre, S. D. |
1855 |
1857 |
Fort Philip Kearny (New Fort Reno), Wyo. |
1866 |
1868 |
Platte Bridge (Fort Davis, Fort Clay), Wyo. |
1855 |
1859 |
Plum Creek, Nebr. |
1864 |
1865 |
Camp Poplar River, Mont. |
1880 |
1893 |
Pilot Butte, Wyo. |
1885 |
1899 |
Fort Randall, S. D. |
1856 |
1892 |
Fort Ransom, N. D. |
1867 |
1872 |
Camp Red Willow, Nebr. |
1872 |
1872 |
Fort Reno (Fort Connor), Wyo. |
1865 |
1868 |
Fort Rice, N. D. |
1864 |
1878 |
Fort (Camp) Robinson, Nebr. |
1874 |
1948 |
Fort Sanders (Fort John Buford), Wyo. |
1866 |
1882 |
Fort Seward (Fort Cross), N. D. |
1872 |
1877 |
Fort Shaw (Camp Reynolds) |
1867 |
1891 |
Camp Sheridan, Nebr. |
1874 |
1881 |
Fort Sidney (Sidney Barracks), Nebr. |
1867 |
1894 |
Fort Sisseton (Fort Wadsworth), S. D. |
1864 |
1888 |
Camp Stambaugh, Wyo. |
1870 |
1878 |
Fort Sully No. 1, S. D. |
1863 |
1866 |
Fort Sully No. 2, S. D. |
1866 |
1894 |
Fort Thompson (Crow Creek Agency), S. D. |
1870 |
1871 |
Fort Totten, N. D. |
1867 |
1890 |
*Fort Union, N. D. |
1864 |
1865 |
Fort Washakie (Camp Augur, Camp Brown), Wyo. |
1869 |
1909 |
Whetstone Agency, S. D. |
1870 |
1872 |
Fort Yates (Grand River Agency Standing Rock Agency), N. D. |
1874 |
1903 |
Fort Yellowstone (Camp Sheridan), Wyo. |
1886 |
1918 |
*Posts originally constructed as fur trading establishments.
The dates indicate years in which they were occupied and abandoned as
Posted with permission from the Publisher who retains all copyright.
>From Mattison, Ray H., "The Army Post on the Northern Plains,
1865-1885" in NEBRASKA HISTORY, Volume XXXV, Number 1, March 1954. This
material cannot be reproduced with permission.