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Updated April 4, 2019
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McCone County was
formed on April 1, 1919 from portions of Dawson and Richland Counties.
Circle was selected as its permanent county seat in a run-off race with
Vida 1112 to 1071. The county was named for State Senator George McCone (1853-1929). As of the 2012 U.S. Census the estimated population was 1,701 which means there are 3 people per square mile.

McCone County is
2,643 square miles of mostly agricultural land. It produces grains,
cattle, sheep and wild game. McCone County consisted of many small
farms in 1919 when it was formed, but due to hard times and older farmers
retiring, the average farm is much larger today. McCone county has
lost over half of the population it had when it became a county. |
1920 |
4747 |
1930 |
4790 |
1940 |
3798 |
1950 |
3258 |
1960 |
3321 |
1970 |
2875 |
1980 |
2707 |
1990 |
2276 |
2000 |
2010 |
1734 |
Join the Garfield-McCone Mailing
This free email subscription list is devoted to discussion on both McCone
and Garfield counties. Members may post queries and access the
archives. To join email the word "subscribe" to MTGARFIE-L-request@rootsweb.com
MTGenWeb Photo Archives Includes old and modern pictures. They need some from McCone
County so please consider sending some to them.