The following
books have information about the history and families of McCone County.
Many are available through inter-library loan, or copies of specific
pages may be available from the
McCone County Library
P.O. Box C
Circle, MT 59215
406-485-2350 |
If all else
fails, contact the McCone County
Coordinator. |
Alt, David & Donald W.
Hyndman. Roadside Geology of Montana. Missoula:
Mountain Press Publishing Co., 1994. Explains the geology of eastern
Montana and what can be seen from highway 200. |
Baker, Don. Ghost Towns
of the Montana Prairie. Boulder, CO: Fred Pruett
Books, 1997. Stories about railroad towns that disappeared
after the homestead era. Includes Brockway and McCone City |
Baker, Don. Next Year
Country: The Story of Eastern Montana. Boulder, CO: Fred
Pruett Books, 1992. The story of homesteading in eastern
Montana and the small towns that grew up and died during those
years. |
Boyum, Hans. Hans Boyum's
Story. Self-published, c1999. Hans has cowboyed,
lambed, worked at Ft. Peck, plus a lot of other jobs. The
story of his life. |
Brockway Homemakers Club,
compiler. As It Was Yesterday. Billings: Western
Printing and Lithography, 1977. Biographies of families in the
Brockway community. A large book that covers quite an area.
Still available for sale. |
Brown, Mark H. & W.R.
Felton. Before Barbed Wire. New York: Bramhall
House, 1956. The story of frontier photographer L.A. Huffman
and includes visits to large cattle ranches in the area that is now
McCone County. |
Cheney, Roberta Carkeek. Names
on the Face of Montana. Missoula: Mountain Press
Publishing Company, 1984. A listing of Montana post offices.
Often lists origin of name, dates of operation, postmasters, and
interesting stories. |
Circle Homemakers Clubs, and
Pioneer Historical Circle, compiler. Pioneers and Progress on
the Prairie, Billings: Gazette Publishers, 1964.
Published for the Montana Territory Centennial, it has stories of
McCone County communities, families, and organizations. Was
reprinted in 2001. |
Doran, Clare, compiler. Memories
from Montana's Crow Rock Country. Stories of families
in the south-east corner of McCone County and Garfield & Prairie
Counties. |
Federal Writers Project of
the Work Projects Administration The WPA Guide to 1930's
Montana. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1994. A
reprint of a 1930's guide book. Lindsey, Circle, Brockway,
& Paris are part of one of the tours. |
Greene, Jerome A., editor. Battles
and Skirmishes of the Great Sioux War, 1876-1877: The Military View.
Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1993. Chapters
on Cedar Creek, Bark Creek & Ash Creek battles. |
Greene, Jerome A., editor. Lakota
and Cheyenne: Indian Views of the Great Sioux War, 1876-1877.
Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1994. Chapter on Cedar
Creek Council and the Battle of Cedar Creek. |
Greene, Jerome A. Yellowstone
Command: Colonel Nelson A. Miles and the Great Sioux War, 1876-1877.
The story of the Sioux War following the Battle of the Little Big
Horn. Includes Cedar, Bark, and Ash Creek. |
Guldborg, Henry. The
Homestead Days of Henry Guldborg, Miles City: Star
Publishing, 1963. |
Hedren, Paul L. Traveler's
Guide to the Great Sioux War. Helena: Montana
Historical Society Press, 1996. How to find the sites of the
battles on Ash and Cedar Creeks. |
Hoar, Jay S. Montana's
Last Civil War Old-Soldiery. Farmington: University of
Maine, 1984. Biographies of the last surviving Civil War
veterans. Includes Harvey Buffington. |
Huntsberger, Eleanor Fraser. A
Mouth Full of Toes. New York: Carlton Press, 1975. |
Kohrs, Conrad. Conrad
Kohrs: An Autobiography. Deer Lodge: Platen Press, 1977.
Kohrs was the owner of the Pioneer Cattle Co (the CK), a large
cattle ranch that headquartered on the Prairie Elk. |
McDonald, Marie Peterson. After
Barbed Wire. Billings: Maynard Stationary, 1963.
Reprinted in 1983. A pictorial history of the homestead rush
into the northern Great Plains. Many pictures of homesteading
in McCone County. |
Moulton, Gary E., editor. The
Journals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Vols. 1,4,8,9,10,
& 11. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1983-1997.
Vol. 1 is the map book of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Vol. 4
is the journal entries covering their travels along the northern
edge of McCone County on their way west in 1805. Vol. 8 is the
return trip of Lewis along the north side of the county in 1806.
Vol. 9 is the journal of John Ordway. Vol. 10 is the journal of
Patrick Gass. Vol. 11 is the journal of Joseph Whitehouse. |
Quick, Orville M., compiler. McCone
Boys - Girls In The Service As Reported in "The Circle
Banner" 1940-1945. Self-published. Photocopies of
newspaper articles regarding local soldiers in World War II. |
Ralston, William M. Those
Were The Days. New York: Carlton Press, 1970.
Autobiography of an early cowboy. |
Rorvick, Pete. Pete's
Story. Charleston, SC: News Publishers, 1953. Story of
the first postmaster of Circle. |
Scherger, R.H., compiler. Synopsis
of old Glendive Newspapers, 1882-1910. Self-published, 1993.
Before McCone County was formed the county seat was in Glendive and
there were a number of newspaper stories dealing with western Dawson
County. Not a complete listing of all stories so the
newspapers should be rechecked. |
Schloss, Ella Waldon, History
of the Rural School Districts of Dawson County, Montana 1883-1972. Glendive:
Self-published, 1973. Listing of schools in old Dawson County as
well as school board members and miscellaneous information about the
schools. |
Schloss, Ella Waldon. Post-Age.
Glendive: Self-published, 1980. Listing of post offices in
old Dawson County, along with postmaster, mail carriers, and
patrons. |
Utterback, Gretchen &
Isabella Murphy. Pioneers of Old Dawson County. Glendive:
The Review Publishing Co., 1965. Biographies of George McCone
and Peter Rorvik. |
Vine, Mrs. P.L. Three-Twenty
or Bust: A True Story of Montana Homesteading. Vida:
self published, 1976. |
Wangen, Mary, et al. The
Historical Background of McCone County, Montana. |
Whiteman, Betty. Honyockers
Heritage: A History of the Richey Community. |
Wischmann, Polly. Lists
of McCone County. Self published, 1981. Lists of
post offices, school graduates, cemeteries, and other historical
information. |