
McCrakin writes fire insurance.

Go to O'Brien & McCauley for a glass of 5 cent beer and Saginaw salt.

Chas. E. Foye is over from Butte, in attendance on his sick father, Thos. Foye.

Col. C.M. Crutchfield was a visitor in Missoula this week, attending to some legal business.

If you want clothing, buy of the merchant who sell the Lanpher hat and you will be up to date.

Lloyd T. Hunter purchased of J.F. Hendricks an acre if ground in the Doran addition for $900.

Emma J. Everly and husband has sold to A.W. Everly five acres of ground near Corvallis for $325.

John A. Landram, who was the first treasurer of Ravalli county, was up from Stevensville last Saturday and bought a couple of lots at the tax sale.

If your dealer does not carry the Lanpher hat ask him to get it for you. It gives better wear for the money than any other hat in the market.

Hon. I.G. Denny, county attorney of Missoula county and leader of the democracy there, came up last night on some matters of business, and will go home in the morning.

Frank H. Drinkenberg returned Wednesday evening from his trip to his mining properties in Madison county, and was met here by Mrs. Drinkenberg, who came down from Darby the same day.

Everyone invited at the newly opened photographic parlors of Hageman & Moore, which is strictly up-to-date. A musical treat for one week from April 23rd to 29th inclusive. Hageman operator.

Fred D. Booth, who recently sold his ranch near Darby, was in town this week. Fred has been picking up some nice young cows, which he will place on a ranch near Garrison, recently purchased by him. These will be augmented by about the same number, placed there by a friend of Fred's who will take care of them and the ranch, on shares. Mr. Booth will continue to reside at Darby.

Dr. J.J. Buckley of Missoula was up this week, visiting Mr. Foye.

Wanted: Girl for general housework. Mrs. W.W. McCrackin.

Lanpher hats in spring styles now ready. All colors in stiff and Fedora shapes.

Tom Beavers and sons left last Tuesday for this home in British Columbia.

Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Daly left New York last Monday for a two months' visit to Europe.

Attorney D.E. Calkins was up from Stevensville last Saturday on business with officials.

A. Shelton was down from Darby last Wednesday and favored this office with a pleasant call.
H.C. Groff was up from Victor last Wednesday. The professor is now bookkeeper for the lumber firm of McVey and Cleary.

J.B. Overturf, administrator of the estate of Rufus Keith, deceased, has sold 40 acres of land near Darby to W.J. Kendall, the consideration being $160.

Than Wilkerson, the first of the forest rangers for the Bitter Root reserve, was in town Sunday. Mr. Wilkerson has received his appointment and commenced work Monday. Others will be put on shortly.

Like the flowers that bloom in the spring, we are preparing a new list of properties that will be out May 15th. Come in and list now or write us particulars. We will do the rest. Ravalli County Abstract Company.

Tom McTague, the well known penitentiary contractor and lover of good horses, came over from Deer Lodge Wednesday evening, and yesterday took in the town and the ranch. Tom has not lost his affection for the gallopers, and may be seen on the tracks again with some fast ones.

Another case of small pox developed last week, the victim being Billy Demo, well know about town, who had gone to work for Charley Daly at the latter's Hughes Creek mines. Dr. Howard went up to look after him. The man has a little the worst case yet reported, but all known precautions have been taken.

Mrs. B. McGinty received a telegram last Saturday morning from her husband, Supt. McGinty of the Bitter Root Stock Farm, stating that her father, Mr. Thomas Cavanaugh, was dying at his home at New Diggings, Wisconsin, and the lady started at once for Missoula to catch the afternoon train. Foreman Steele drove her down. The fifty mile drive was made in a little less than five hours and the lady succeeded in catching the train.

The "Copper City Limited" moves out of the Hamilton depot at 6:20 Sunday morning for its summer run from this point to Butte, and the train from Butte will reach here at 6:02 in the afternoon. After many years, the people of the Bitter Root will have a Sunday train, which will be appreciated by not only our own town people, but by those of Butte, Anaconda, and Missoula who will thus be enabled to enjoy a Sunday outing in the paradise of Montana. In about a week, the logging trains will be handled by the freight train, which will take the empty trucks to the wood camps in the morning after its arrival from Missoula and bring back the loaded cars to the pond before proceeding on its return down the valley.

Does your nerves need bracing? Celey Gin Tonic will do it.

Warren Ribble and Charley Wright were Stevensville visitors at the county seat last Saturday.

Abraham Wagy has bought of Jas. W. Popham 40 acres of land near Corvallis paying $1,000 therefor.

Harry Avery, a friend of Charley Donovan from Butte, spent several days here the past week and took in all the sights about Hamilton as well as the weather would permit.

Hon. George T. Baggs and family were up from Stevensville last Saturday, driving back the same evening. Mr. Baggs came up to attend the tax sale, and they were guests while here of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Stevens.

J.H. Burns, nephew of Simon Kuglin of Victor, died at the home of the latter, last Monday, and was buried Wednesday. The cause of his death was spotted fever. He leaves a wife and two children at Alden, Iowa.

The opera house will be well filled this evening, when the commencement exercises of the Hamilton business college come off. One of the attractions of the evening will be the address of Hon. John M. Evans of Missoula.

Prof. McKay, principal of the Hamilton schools, has been invited to act as one of the judges at the state oratorical contest between champions of the various educational institutions, which will be held at Missoula early next month.

Mrs. W. Keating, of Toronto, Ontario, is in town, the guest of Mrs. P.J. Shannon. Mrs. Keating will make her future home in Missoula, where Mr. Keating, the well known secretary of the Northwest Lumber Company has taken a residence.

J.A. Hork, the well known tailor, who left early this spring for Salmon City, Idaho, has returned, and will reopen his tailoring establishment in the old shop on South Second street, next to Morris' office. Mr. Hork is a fine workman, and will get a big share of the business.

Montana is now certain of a state base ball league, comprised of Butte, Anaconda, Helena, and Great Falls. The season will open May 22, with Anaconda at Butte and Great Falls at Helena, and will close September 22 to 27 with Helena at Butte and Anaconda at Great Falls.

Alderman Peterson has been making many improvements on his residence property on South Third street recently. He has taken down the stone fence and is putting up a handsome picket enclosure. He has also added two pretty rooms to the residence, the plasters being now nearly done. Mr. Peterson is determined to be comfortable, and he has the stuff to make himself so.

Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Shappee gave a birthday party at their country home last Saturday to their daughter, Pearl, at which a lot of little folks were entertained with games, refreshments, etc. The little ones present were Abbie Corrigan, Mona and Mary Sutherland, Dorothy Aileen and Kathleen Donohue, Virginia Gage, and Dorothy Baggs of Stevensville; Elsworth Gage, Herman, Norman, and Elmer Blood, Lester Corrigan and Charlie Robbins.

Mrs. Milton Hammond of Darby favored the Republican with a short but pleasant call last Wednesday. Mrs. Hammond had come up the night before from a visit to her mother, Mrs. Kendall, who has been very ill for some time. The latter is 77 years of age, and on account of this little hopes are felt of her recovery from the present illness. Mrs. W.J. Kendall , who has been down from here for several weeks, has also been unwell, and her children are all sick, while Mr. Kendall was confined to his bed for several days, but was better Wednesday morning. Mrs. Hammond will probably return to Missoula tomorrow.
Ravalli Republican, April 27, 1900

Mrs. E. W. Hagyard departed this morning for her home at Lexington, Ky.  She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Lucy Rogers, who will spend the winter in Lexington.

Mrs. P. W. Fann last Friday sustained a very painful accident, and which owing to her advanced age will confine her to her room for a long time.  She slipped and fell on the floor, fracturing the thigh bone.
The Western News, Hamilton, MT, Wednesday, September 23, 1903, p. 8, c. 4

George I. Watters transacted business at the county seat last Thursday.

H.C. Groff transacted business in Stevensville last Friday.

H.J. St. John and family returned home Friday evening from Missoula, where they went from Darby, where they were on a vacation, to be with J.W. Morris during his last hours.

Miss Daisy Bond came here Sunday morning and returned to Hamilton in the evening, after passing the day with her folks.

Tyler Thompson of Missoula, who has been at the McLeod ranch east of town enjoying fishing for a few days, has returned home.

James Dykeman and his family, Ed Blake and Ray Fulkerson formed a party that went to Medicine Springs Monday. They are going well equipped and expect to stay three or four weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Scott were visitors in Hamilton today and returned this evening.

Henry McVey and family, who have been living on the Rattlesnake near Missoula for the past two months, came home last Friday. Mr. McVey is now busy getting his thrashing machines ready for the coming fall thrashing.

Thomas Patty and crew last Friday bailed two carloads of new hay for Jonas Johnson. This is the first new had baled in this part of the valley this season.

A.G. Kemp and wife were in Hamilton Tuesday and Wednesday of last week.

Luke D. Hatch and John Daugherty of Stevensville were in town last week shaking hands with their many friends.

Cyrus Franks of Stevensville was in Victor for a short time last week.

John McCarty returned from Missoula Wednesday evening and reports his daughter has not much improved.

Mrs. Charles Williams and daughter, Miss Flossie, were Hamilton visitors last Thursday.

Beverly McLeod, son of William McLeod, had an arm broken Tuesday of last week by being thrown from a horse while riding home from town. He wa taken to Missoula the following morning and Dr. W.P. Mills set the arm.

Mrs. John McCarty was a passenger on Friday's train to Missoula. Mrs. McCarty will visit her daughter, Mrs. Conner, who was operated on for appendicitis a week ago Monday, and is getting along nicely.

Mrs. Zella I. Cates, the postmistress, transacted business in Missoula last Friday.

Mrs. I. Scott shipped her household goods to Butte last Thursday.

Ed Perry of Stevensville was in town visiting friends Sunday.

G.W. Samuels of Stevensville was in town Sunday in company with Stock Inspector L.E. Manning.

E.O. Lewis of Stevensville was in Victor Saturday looking after his senatorial fences.
H.C. McLeod of Missoula spent Sunday at his ranch on the east side.

Dug. McCormick of Missoula is in Victor. Mr. McCormick is here looking after the McCormick interests in the Pleasant view mining properties west of town.

A.L. Mowat was a business visitor at Missoula last Friday.

Mrs. I. Scott was a passenger for Butte on last Friday's train.

Mrs. Joseph Appolonio visited a few days last week with Missoula friends.

B. Cates transacted business in Missoula a week ago Wednesday.

Dr. J.K. Squires, the dentist, is at the Ravalli hotel this week.

This is the second week of registration. Have you registered yet?

Rev. D.B. Price of Stevensville preached here last Sunday morning and evening.

Mrs. Treadway is visiting her daughter, Mrs. K. Williamson on the ranch for a short time.

Mrs. Vandorn of Missoula came here last Tuesday to see her daughter, Mrs. John Vandorn, who is very ill.

Wardie Towe is working in the St. John drug store.
Ravalli Republican, July 27, 1906

J.F. Borough, manager of the A.B.M. Co. is in Michigan this week visiting friends and relatives.

R.M. DeMill finished putting on a new coat of paint on the front of the "Busy Corner" today.

A.M. Chaffin passed through town yesterday with a fine drove of cattle from Salmon City for himself and Louis May.

Miss G.M. Doam of Butte concluded a visit with her aunt, Miss Jennie Brown, here Wednesday and went to Victor together to visit friends there.

A.C. Hollenbeck of Missoula and a company of friends passed through Stevensville Wednesday in a auto on their way to Hamilton.
Northwest Tribune, July 15, 1910

Grantsdale, May 18 - Mrs. Nelson Francis and baby daughter from Hamilton have been spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Clara McFee.
Miss Ida See was canvassing in town Saturday
Charles D. Wilson of Helena came over Saturday and is a guest at the Brown home.
    Mrs. Eliza Chambers and Mrs. Will DeMyer went to Missoula Sunda to attend the funeral of John N. Armstrong, returning Monday. Mr. Armstrong made Grantsdale his home for several years, editing and publishing the Bitter Root Bugle. Mrs. Armstron has the sympathy of the community.
The Sunday school hour has been changed from 2 p.m. to 10 a.m.
T.J. Patterson was sick Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Francis and daughter, Miss Edith, were in town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Stevens came down from Alta Monday.
Helen Wayland, Olive Forrest, and Dorothy Harvey took the eighth grade examination in Hamilton Thursday and Friday.
The Western News, May 19, 1911

John Head Suffers From Frozen Hands
John Head, a familiar figure about town for several years past, is lying in the Hamilton hospital, dangerously near death's door. He had started to his home Tuesday night whild intoxicated and falling, lay out all night in the bitter cold, the thermometer recording 17 below zero. His hads and feet are frozen and on account of age and excessive drinking his condition is very critical. At best he must suffer the amputation of fingers and toes and perhaps a hand.
The Western News, Thursday, December 28, 1916, page 1

Whiskey and Bad Language Caused Trouble
Floyd Whitesitt was Seriously Injured and Has Been Unconscious Ever Since
Victor, December 7 - Floyd Whitesitt, who was seriously injured last Thursday night in a fight on the streets of Victor, is believed to be somewhat improved, and his friends hope for his complete recovery. E.B. Martin and D.D. Wofford, who with Frank Martin were arrested and placed in the county jail at Hamilton, have been released on bail. They are charged s being the instigators of the fracas. Mr. Whitesitt is still unconscious and is at the H.J. St. John home suffering from a fractured skull. It is said that while Mr. Whitesitt was walking on Main Street in Victor, he passed Silas Martin, who was in a tipsy condition, and addressing all passersby in obscene language. Whitesitt walked up to Martin and asked him to desist from the profane flow of talk, after which both men passed on in opposite directions.
    Several hours later in the evening, mr. Whitesitt again met Silas Martin, who was now accompanied by E.B. and Frank Martin and D.D. Wofford, all four of them being under the influence of liquor. They started an argument which finally ended in Whitesitt being attacked and struck over the head with a whiskey bottle, cracking his skull and knocking him unconscious. Mr. Whitesitt was picked up and cared for by witnesses of the fight while the sheriff�s office was notified and the Martin boys and Wofford were arrested and taken to the county jail in Hamilton. Silas Martin is held under $5,000 bond, while E.B. Martin, Frank Martin, and Wofford are under $2,000 bonds, pending the outcome of Whitesitt�s injuries.
Ravalli Republican, Friday, December 5, 1916

Corvallis News
Corvallis, December 19 - Fire completely destroyed the Corvallis cheese factory Sunday evening, between the hours of 7 and 8 o'clock. Machinery and 7,000 pounds of cheese belonging to Leslie Snell, was a total loss as no insurance was carried. The blaze may have started in the engine room, although the flames were first noticed on the outside of the office room. On Monday, Snell's milk wagons were on their routes as usual gathering milk for the cheese plant east of Hamilton, which he operated until a month ago. Snell's announcement Monday of his intention to rebuild the factory on the old site was received with pleased interest by Corvallis people who appreciate the industry as a material means of putting Corvallis on the map.

    In farewell to Lieutenant and Mrs. Frank Edes, who were leaving Monday for Chicago, members of the Corvallis band, of which Lieutenant Edes was a drum-major, and their wives met for dinner at the Corvallis restaurant on Sunday evening. A box of cigars from J. St. John topped off an excellent dinner, after which the company went into the Davenport music shop to spend the evening. Lieutenant Edes will visit relatives in Chicago several weeks, pending an assignment to active service in the national army.

    Red Cross Sunday will be observed on December 23, with a patriotic service at 7:30 o'clock in the Federated Church. The service will be union and speial music will be rendered by the choirs of the various local churches. Everyone will be welcome.

    The comic operetta "Bulbul" will be given in Corvallis on Saturday evening by a company of thirty Bitter Root people under the auspices of the Corvallis band. The band and two orchestras will supply the instrumental music, while the troupe will be heard in 26 musical numbers.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Lear, who were married on December 8 at Shullsburg, Wisconsin, have returned to Corvallis and will make their home on the Lear ranch, two miles north of town.

    The Corvallis school was resumed Monday after a closed session of three weeks on account of a smallpox epidemic.

    Ex-Rabbi Joseph Goldman addressed a large congregation on Sunday morning at the union service held at the Methodist Church.

    Mrs. M.L. Chaffin and daughter, Mrs. E.H. Blakeslee and Miss Alice Margaret, were Missoula shoppers Friday and Saturday.

    Miss Bessie Thetge returned Saturday from a three week's visit at her home in Helena.

    Mrs. Fred Riley and little son, returned to Missoula Friday after a visit at the W.W. Barr home.

    Miss Ruth Taylor has returned from California where she visited several weeks with an aunt.

    Ralston Fariss has gone to North Dakota with a car load of apples, shipped by Keayes Brothers.
The Western News, Thursday, December 20, 1917

Home From Service
Was at Camp Mills Ready to Go Overseas When News of the Armistice Was Received
Corvallis, May 23 - Alfred Vaughn, honorably discharged from the Eighth division of the 62nd infantry, arrived home Saturday. Alfred enlisted last summer, and began army life at Camp Freemont, Cal. From there he was moved to Camp Lee, VA., and when the armistice was signed, his division was at Camp Mills. L. I., all packed and ready to go across the pond. He was mustered out at Fort Russell, Wyo., last Thursday.

Birthday Anniversary of Mrs. H. R. Bay Was Remembered By Her Daughters Friday
Corvallis, May 23 - Mrs. Hanson R. Bay was guest of honor Friday, her birthday anniversary, at a dinner party tendered her by her daughters, Mrs. Hans F. Bay and Mrs. Edwin Bay, at the H.F. Bay ranch home. At a daintily appointed table, decorated in pink snapdragons, a three-course chicken dinner was served to 12. Mrs. Bay was presented with a bunch of lovely roses by the company, R. Bay, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Christofferson, Lars Christofferson, Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Bay and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bay and son, and Louis Wolfe.
Ravalli Republican, Friday, May 23, 1919

     William Wade pleaded guilty Tuesday to the charge of making and selling intoxicating liquor. He was fined $100 and sentenced to 30 days in jail by Judge J.M. Self. the same day, Dewey Wood and Hobart Gardner pleaded guilty on the same charge and received like punishment. They were arrested Saturday night by Sheriff Hogue and Undersheriff M.L. Chaffin.
The Western News, May 25, 1922

Corvallis, August 30 - Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Moody of Missoula were visitors recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Scott. Mrs. Moody was formerly Miss Letty Nelson, and a teacher in the Corvallis school. Her marriage to Mr. Moody took place in Missoula June 16.

Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod are spending the week at Missoula that Mr. McLeod may have access to the professional treatment for lumbago.

Clarence Marti left the first of the week for Portland, where he will join his brother and will enroll for a business course at a commercial college. Young Marti was a graduate from Corvallis High School last June.

Dr. W.N. King was in Corvallis Sunday from Missoula making arrangements for the rental of his property here to Leslie C. Snell.

C.A. Jackson, a teacher in the Corvallis school last year, was in town last Thursday after having spent the summer employed by the forestry service in the northwestern section of this state.

Miss Winnifred Frogge spent the week-end near Florence, a guest in the Carver home.

Mrs. Mary Myers arrived recently from Spokane and is visiting in the home of her cousin, Mr. J.H. Collier.

Miss Cora Jenkins has returned from Dillon, where she attended the summer session of the State Normal college. Miss Jenkins will teach the fifth grade in Corvallis school this year.

Mrs. Jamie D. Lear and children came Sunday from Ennis and are guests in the W.D. Lear home. Jamie D. Lear arrived the first of the week with a car of personal effects and the family will move shortly to the Lear ranch north of town.

Mrs. Clara Burroughs and daughter, Miss Matilda, and son Rush, motored over from their home at Helena to spend the week visiting Bitter Root friends. The Burroughs formerly lived near here.

Ray Keays left a few days ago for Anaconda to visit friends.

Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Everly were Stevensville visitors Sunday.

Dwight Carver of Florence was a Corvallis visitor Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hawker and daughter motored from Missoula Sunday and are spending the week visiting relatives near here while Mr. Hawker is having his vacation from employment in the Garden City.

Mr. and Mrs. Milford Cobb and daughter were visitors Sunday in the Ed Longley home on Burnt Fork.

Miss Anna Foley of Victor was a guest from Saturday until Monday in the Home of Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Elliott.
Ravalli Republican,  August  31, 1923

Good Ice Harvested
Second Harvest of the Season, the First Taking Place Two Weeks Ago at the River
Corvallis, January 24 - Eleven inch ice is being taken from the Bitter Root river west of town this week to be stored in ice houses. The cutting of the ice has been in charge of Lee Simmons, who provided an ingenious arrangement of motor and circular saw for sawing lengths ad of Charles Bohler, who has had a crew sawing for ten days. The price of $` and $1.25 a load is being paid for sawing. This is the second ice harvest of the season, the first taking place two weeks ago, following the extreme cold weather of January 1 to 9.
Ravalli Republican, February 25, 1924

Corvallis, August 30, 1923 - Dr. and Mrs. R.A. Stark of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wylie and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and children, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Chaffin composed a party that picnicked Sunday on Willow Creek, having both dinner and supper in the woods. A hamburger fry featured the evening meal and the company lingered until after dark to big bon-fires on the Chaffin ranch, where an accumulation of dry burns made the sport good.

    There are still pioneering people in the Bitter Root valley and among the ranks of the sturdy home-making men and women who sometimes come to Hamilton for a day's shopping are Mr. and Mrs. William Linderman of the Conner community. Yesterday the Lindermans were brought to Hamilton by a neighbor to make final arrangements for proving up to their homestead which is located about 10 miles above Darby on the West Fork road.
        The Lindermans celebrated their golden wedding last year. They have spent the past 20 years in the upper valley and have been alone most of the years. Mrs. Linderman is nearing her 82nd birthday and her husband is 77. For several months, he has been practically blind and when they walk about the streets it is the patient, tender hand of the old wife that guides the aged homesteader on his way. The home of the Lindermans, a large log structure, has been the scene of many neighborhood gatherings in the last ten years.
Ravalli Republican, January 5, 1928

    Miss Clara Shriver, who has taught for two terms in the Corvallis High School has returned to her home in Missoula for the summer vacation. Miss Shriver was re-elected to the same position for next year, but has not accepted.
    Mrs. Velva Wilford, teacher of the primary grade, left the first of the week for Minneapolis for a visit with her children and from there she will go to Tulsa, Oklahoma, to spend most of the vacation with a son. She will return to teach here next year.
    Fred A. Dyllenty, teacher of the eighth grade, has gone to Virginia City to spend the summer vacation. He will return in the fall to resume his position.
    Edward Shierson came here from Grass Range to attend commencement exercises and to visit his son, Harry Shierson, high school coach and teacher. Tuesday, the two left to return to Grass Range.
    Miss Laura Ferch, teacher of the seventh grade, has gone to Missoula to attend the summer term at the state university.
    David Haacke of Stevensville was in Corvallis last week to spend a few days with the H.D. Simmons home.
    Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moore of Bozeman came here for commencement exercises and reamined to visit with Mrs. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Powell.
    Mrs. Violet Hauf is spending the month visiting relatives on the Pacific coast, including Lynden, Washington and Vancouver.
    Mrs. Edward Shults and little daughter returned home a few days ago from spending several weeks with relatives at St. Regis on account of the illness of her sister.
    Mrs. Harold Nichol and daughter of Anaconda are guests in the home of Mrs. Nichol's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V.L.Shults.
    Mrs. Romaine Henneford closed a successful term of school last Wednesday in the Hamilton Heights district, and the day following the pupils and their parents accompanied Mrs. Henneford to Charley's gulch for a picnic.
    Matt Vaughn is recovering from injuries received some time ago when he was struck down by a horse. Mr. Vaughn has been employed this spring at the Flugstad ranch near Corvallis and the accident occurred there.
    The shearing of sheep began in this district last week. Shearing machines are being used and are operated by Clifton Dale, Earl Randolph, Vernon Jenkins, and Homer Simmons.
    Mrs. W.D. Lear is slowing recovering from an attack of paralysis.
    Virginia Eldredge sustained a dislocated hip and other injuries in an auto accident graduation night. She is able to walk about her home this week.
    Miss Lorene Frogge, who came here to see her sister graduated from the high school, left Friday to return to a business college in Portland, where she will complete  course in a few months.
    Mr. and Mrs. Hans F. Bay arranged a surprise dinner party for Mrs. Bay's mother last Wednesday evening, on the occasion of her birthday anniversary. The dinner was served at the Walker hotel and plates were laid for ten.
Ravalli Republican, May 24, 1928

Darby, May 23 - Mr. and Mrs. Jay Severns entertained a number of friends Sunday at their home at University Heights.

George Durland and D.M. Conner represented the Darby school at the P.T.A. at Missoula last week. Mrs. Conner accompanied Mr. Conner. Mr. Durland is president of the school board and Mr. Conner is chairman of the P.T.A. and a school trustee.

The A.B. Cole, George Durland, and J.P. Algie families enjoyed a picnic dinner Sunday at the Algie home.

Mrs. Clyde Shockley and sons have joined Mr. Shockley at the Sula ranger station for the summer.

Mr.. and Mrs. Val Troop of Missoula spent the weekend at the Bergs.
Ravalli Republican, May 24, 1928

One Hundred Tons For One Hotel at Corvallis
Poultrymen and Beemen Suffered Losses During Last Thursday Night, Coldest of Year
Corvallis, January 22 - Young calves, pigs and rabbits died in numbers throughout this community, during the extreme cold weather of the past week. Poultrymen suffered losses also and beemen believe their losses will be severe. The coldest reported was on Thursday night when the mercury went to 32 below zero. It was a few degrees higher the following night and rose to zero Sunday.  
    A fine ice harvest is expected. The harvest began the first of the week, but was temporarily delayed on account of the cold. It will be resumed this week, ice men say. The work of cutting 100 tons for the Corvallis hotel is to start in a few days.

Meetings in Charge of Rev. L.E. Tabor of Idaho

Well Attended Gatherings During Past Week and Will Continue During Present Week.
Corvallis, January 22 - Revival meetings in the program at the Methodist Church have been well attended during the week just past and will continue throughout the remainder of this week and possibly longer. Rev. L.E. Taber, brother of the pastor, Rev. C.J. Taber, has come from Julietta, Idaho, to conduct the services and his outspoken sermons are gaining him a good audience. Large posters, "Corvallis for Christ," have been placed about town to attract attention to the meetings. Rev. Taber was accompanied here by his wife.

Corvallis, January 22 - Under the auspices of the Women's Christian Temperance Union and in celebration of the twelfth anniversary of the Eighteenth Amendment, a dinner was served to the public Thursday at the Methodist church annex. It was well attended and the women realized a fair sum to carry on their part of the temperance work.

Corvallis, January 22 - Mrs. J.J. Larkin and daughter, Miss Mary Larkin, have returned from Rochester, Minn, where Mrs. Larkin recently underwent an operation. Miss Larkin is fourth grade teacher here and during her absence of two months, her class has been in charge of Mrs. Edwin Bay and Mrs. D.F. Bowden.
    Miss Lucille Lasater, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.W. Lasater, is getting about on crutches while recovering from an injury to one knee, sustained in a skiing accident.
    Joseph Bowden left last week for Long Beach, Cal, to join his wife for a sojourn through the severe winter months. He will return in the spring.
    Mrs. Robert Myers and her granddaughter, Miss Mary Simmons, and Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Chaffin, left Friday for Butte where they joined the Montana excursionists for a trip to Los Angeles.
    John Stamp has come from Osborne, Kan, to make his home with his sister, Mrs. Rose Doud. The two have been visiting with Mrs. Doud's daughter, Mrs. P.R. Felker, at Phillipsburg.
    Bruce Elliott, who visits in Corvallis each summer, underwent a mastoid operation recently as a hospital at Three Forks and has about recovered. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Elliott.
Ravalli Republican, Thursday, January 23, 1930

Back to Spokane Hospital
Darby -  Mrs. Violet Oswald and son Roger of Darby left yesterday for Spokane, where the boy will re-enter St. Luke's Hospital for treatment of bone trouble in his left leg. Roger is eight years old and he has spent much of the past four years at St. Luke's where he is a general favorite. Last year Bing Crosby visited the hospital and one of Roger's treasured possessions is a photograph of the singer and himself. The lad is a protege of the Shriners at the Spokane institution.
Ravalli Republican, April 3, 1930

Corvallis, February 3 - Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dowd of Victor and Miss Olive Kearns, who returned recently from an extended visit to relatives in Kansas and as far east as Washington, D.C., were guests last week in the home of Mrs. F.E. Lockridge. Mrs. Dowd, Miss Kierns and Mrs. Lockridge are sisters.

Mrs. C.P. Danielson of Missoula was a guest over Sunday in the home of her sister, Mrs. J.E. Bryson.

Miss Mildred Hanson and Miss Inez Brooks motored to Missoula Friday and Miss Hanson went on to Superior accompanied by her mother, who was returning home after a visit here and at Missoula. Miss Brooks remained in the Garden City to visit Mrs. Ada Torr.

Rev. C.J. Taber made a trip to Missoula Saturday in his school bus to take a company of women shoppers. On account of the inclement weather, only four made the trip. They were Mrs. Edwin Bay, Mrs. Edward Gibbons, Mrs. David Pile, and Mrs. Taber.

Miss Clara Teeple of Cutbank is a guest in the home of Miss Ruth Dye. The two were school friends at Dillon. Miss Teeple is enroute to Idaho, where she will make her home.

Mrs. Dora Briggs left last Wednesday for Eugene, Oregon, where she will visit for several weeks with a sister.

A daughter was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loesch at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Val Loesch, north of town.

O.W. Lasater was re-elected to the superintendency of the Corvallis school for his fourth consecutive year at a meeting of the board last week. All the members were present. A discussion of school finances was of special interest to the meeting.

The second cutting of ice was taken last week from Walker's slough northwest of the Corvallis bridge, which about completes the harvest here for the season. The ice was from 14 to 17 inches thick and was entirely clear.

Kenneth Chaffin has come from Seattle to visit until March 15 with his mother, Mrs. J.B. Miller, and other relatives. Kenneth has been employed the past year on the merchant passenger steamship General Gorsey which sailed last summer between Seattle and Alaska.

Three feet of frost were found in the ground at the Corvallis Cemetery the first of the week when two graves were made there. The earth had to be removed with picks and the work was difficult, men who worked there, claim.

J.L. Humble and Homer Kelley came here from Missoula Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. M.M. Humble.
Ravalli Republican, February 4, 1933

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Whitesitt of Missoula spent last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Mathisen.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patton and child of Lone Pine spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Patton.

Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Mathisen and son Dan were weekend visitors at Missoula.

Mrs. Carl Perry entertained at a formal dinner party last Wednesday evening. Enjoying the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. William Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Perry of Corvallis, Clifford Cole, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Perry. A pleasant evening was spent at cards.

Misses Louise Thorning and Betty Dineen entertained their bridge club at the Olaf Mathisen home last Wednesday evening. Present were Misses Irene Yarbrough, Irene Johnson, Marguerite Schoonover, Mary Fierce, Marion Campin, Charlotte Goneau, Harriet Fornham, Lois Cates, Mrs. H.H. Hoppe, Mrs. Mathisen, and the hostesses. Miss Goneau received the prize for high score and Miss Fierce the consolation prize. Refreshments were served by the hostesses at a late hour.

Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Patton and daughter and Mary Fisher spent the weekend with relatives at Lone Pine.

Frank Chamberlain left Monday for his home at Jefferson city following a few days spent with his mother, Mrs. Nellie Chamberlain, while convalescing from an operation on this right arm and back, in which he has regained the use of the arm which became paralyzed through an injury several months ago.

The card party and dance given by the Eastern Star Auxillary at the Masonic hall Friday night was well attended. Prizes for high scores were won by Mrs. Otto York of Stevensville, and Oscar Burgan of Victor, and the consolation prizes by Miss Betty Dineen and Albert Groff. Lunch followed cards after which dancing was enjoyed for a time.

Mr. G.B. Clarke and Mrs. William Buck will entertain the Eastern Star Auxilary at the Masonic hall April 12.

Byrne Thrailkill, a student at the Montana State College at Bozeman, spent the weekend at his home here.

Reginald Campin has enrolled at the University at Missoula for the final quarter.

A neighborhood party was enjoyed at the Claud Beller home Friday night.
Ravalli Republican, March 30, 1933

Members of the Woodside club gave a masquerade dance at the club house Saturday night. Many comical and old fashioned costumes were displayed. Music was furnished by the Yorton orchestra.

The entertainment committee for the Corvallis Alumni Association met at the Brooks Hotel Thursday evening to plan entertainment for the next Alumni meeting which will be next Monday, April 3rd at the Corvallis gym. All Alumni members and their escorts are invited to be present.

Next Saturday, April 1, will be school election in Corvallis. There will be three elected for the new board of trustees. Those running are Harry Fierce, Roy Hull, V.L. Shultz, Tom Dunbar, Charles Wolffs and V.V. Yaden.

The Hamilton Heights baseball team met Sunday afternoon on the Heights diamond for a try-out.

The All-Star Club and guests met at the Masonic Hall Friday afternoon to play bridge and "500." Mrs. R.D. Giesy and Miss Kathryn Weber won the prizes for bridge. At the close of the games, a delicious lunch was served in the banquet hall. The tables were pretty with huge boquets of pussy willows.

The Corvallis Womens Club is giving a one act play and other entertaining numbers Thursday evening, March 30th at the Corvallis Gym. At the close of the program, refreshments will be served and an hour of visiting will be held.

Superintendents and coaches of the valley schools met at the Brooks Hotel Wednesday evening for the purpose of discussing and planning spring activities.

Mr. and Mrs. Parson Pile entertained a number of friends Wednesday evening. Six tables of different progressive games were the evening's entertainment. Near midnight, a delicious lunch was served.

Mrs. Antoine Cutler is reported improving in health after a long illness of several weeks.

Miss Alice Magee returned Friday from Missoula where she went to see her father, T.M. McGee, a medical patient at the Northern Pacific Hospital.

Albert McArthur of Butte and Joe Ferrara of New Jersey, students at the State University, were guests from Thursday until Monday in the home of Dan St. John. Returning to Missoula, they were accompanied by Dan St. John and LeRoy Cobb, who returned to Corvallis the same day.

Honor roll students at the Hamilton Heights school for February were Jessie Weber, Ira Abbey, Maxine Beck, Louis Ohl, and Duane Davidson.

Mrs. Edward Gibbons and her son, Gerald Gibbons, went to Butte Thursday to spend a few days with friends.
The Western News, March 30, 1933

34 Italian Workers Are Thinning Beets
    On Monday a group of Italians from Fort Missoula started work in the beet fields on Three Mile. This group of Italians, who have been interned at Fort Missoula for the past year, are located at the Lou Parker place, near Old Camp One. There are 34 of them. They have been assigned to beet work on the Rathbun, Comenico, Canton, Mettlemann and Jannsen places. They work in a group and one of their own number is foreman.
    The regulations under which these Italians go out to work on farms provides that they must have a guard in charge of them and James Shea has been engaged for this work. Mr. Shea states that none of the Italians are experienced in farm work but all are quite willing to learn and the first two days have shown that in time they will be able to handle he work very well.
    Thehse Italians, Mr. Shea states, are intelligent. They are mostly merchant marines taken from interned Italian ships siezed at the time war with Italy was declared. They are anxious to work and prefer the outdoor life to te impound at Fort Missoula.
    The group is well organized. Three of the group is detailed for cooking and keeping quarters in shape and the remainder do the field work. The group moves from one field to the next and at present they are at the Rathbun place.
Northwest Tribune, June 10, 1943

Corvallis, August 28 - Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Reed and their daughters, Mrs. Kathryn Lee and Mrs. Harry Overand, and granddaughters, Misses Kathryn and Ruth Muster, all of Butte, were guests from Friday until Tuesday in the home of Mrs. Reed�s father, C.D. Moore. They were called here by the death of Mrs. Reed�s brother-in-law, Richard Rockafellow.

Rev. Val Cloud closed a series of meetings at the United church Sunday evening and plans to leave soon for Ennis, where he will conduct revival services. For the past two months, Rev. Cloud has supplied the pulpit of the local church. Next Sunday the services will be conducted by Rev. Ray Ames, who is coming from Montesona, Washington, to accept the pastorate here.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Micka came to the Bitter Root valley Friday from Baker and will make their home in Corvallis during the school year. Mr. Micka will begin  his second year as high school athletic coach when the school term opens next Tuesday. The couple were married in June at Helena and have been spending the summer touring the Pacific coast.

John Adams has been receiving a visit the past week from his sister, Mrs. W.E. Burns of Spokane, and his niece, Mrs. Lucile Mutch, and two children of Boise, Idaho.

Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Sell and sons spent the weekend visiting relatives at Stark.

Mr. and Mrs. D.D. Morris and son and Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Chaffin and daughter were campers from Thursday until at Lake Ronan.

Charles Loesch returned Friday from Fort Peck, where he had employment for the past three months
Ravalli Republican, August 29, 1935

Corvallis Postal Department is Now in New Quarters Recently Built for That Specific Purpose
Corvallis, May 27 - The Corvallis post office was established Sunday in its new building and today patrons are being served from the bright new stucco edifice. The location is the same as formerly. Postmaster, Raymond Birk, was assisted in moving by Harry Neafus, Roy Thomas and the deputy, Mrs. Amy Rockafellow. The building was constructed this month and is owned by R.R. Smithey. The old building will be moved away, it was stated.
Ravalli Republican, May 28, 1936

Baby Girl Saved By Heroic Work of F. Rouse
Loss in Last Week's Conflagration Estimated at More Than $3000 By the Owner, Ted Lynch

    Renovation of his family living quarters above the Lynch Electric Shop on Main street has been a major job for the owner, Ted Lynch, this week as a result of the disaster that befell the place last Thursday evening. Fire presumably caused by a supper blaze kindled by Mrs. Lynch in the kitchen range, gutted the south half of the apartment and ruined much of the furniture. Mr. Lynch said yesterday the apartment damage was listed at $2580 for the building. Insurance partially covered the loss. The furniture and personal belongings including the family clothing, were not insured and he estimated the loss at between $700 and $800. He expects to have the apartment ready for his family to occupy by Sunday, he said.
    The Lynch baby, two-month old Carol, was asleep in a basket in a upstairs room when the fire was discovered by her mother as she attempted to go upstairs from the shop which she had been watching during her husband's absence on a calls. When the mother found she could not breathe, the smoke and flame that shut off the stairway at the rear of the shop, she ran to the street, calling for help. Frank Rouse and Chris Schrader rushed to the front of the shop ad Schrader boosted Rouse to his shoulders, helping him to catch at the framework of a Neon sign. Rouse worked his way to the window of the room where Mrs. Lynch told him the child was sleeping.
    Rouse said the smoke was so dense he could ot see his hand before him, but he located the child by her cries. Smoke was stifling, but the baby had been covered so that it had not injured her seriously by the time Rouse reached her. He carried her, basket and all, to the window and other men helped him to the sidewalk with his little charge.
    "She saved herself when she cried, for I never could have located her otherwise," Rouse said. "The smoke was so thick I could hardly breathe and I never will know how I made it through that window." Rouse is an employee at the Bell & Reinbold garage across the street from the Lynch apartment.
    The fire department responded immediately to the call and a thorough attack bested the flames and prevented further spread to adjoining buildings. The Lynch shop is the former Grill Building and Mr. Lynch had just completed a remodeling job. He purchased the building about a year ago. It was one of Hamilton's oldest frame structures and the new owner gave it a coating of stucco and other improvements to lessen the fire hazard.
Ravalli Republican, Thursday, June 23, 1938

Cloudburst Causes Highway Break in Valley

Blodgett Creek Reservoir Spills Torrents of Water Down on West Side Land Tuesday Afternoon
    A cloudburst struck the Bitter Root valley Tuesday afternoon, causing breaks in Highway 93 and the old west side road in the vicinity of Hamilton and washing out a section of railroad bed near Truman. The storm inflicted severe damage to hay crops and other vegetation and in some sections was accompanied by hail.
    The break in the oiled highway was at the approaches of the Gold Creek bridge at Truman. The rush of water down the mountain side came with such force that the highway was almost cut in two. Less than a yard of dirt remained at the approach. Traffic was cut off and the old county road on the east side served as a detour.
    Water tore away some of the roadbed on the oiled highway near the Mittower hill north of Victor, but traffic was still going over the route. Crews worked late last night and today to repair the road at the west Hamilton bridge.
    Damage that could not be estimated las night resulted in a break in the dam at the High lake reservoir of the Blodgett Creek ditch. Harley Sargent and George Beachwood left for the dam this morning and since the trail has not been cleared so that horses can be taken there with work supplies, the Hayward plane will take the necessary equipment to the dam tomorrow, dropping it from the air.
    A power shovel was at the scene of the Truman highway break last night and a crew was to start work this morning, digging into a nearby hill for earth, to fill the chasm at each end of the Gold Creek bridge. A culvert under the road near the railroad washout was torn clear of its setting by the force of the Tuesday torrent. Patrolman Joe Young said with average luck the highway should be repaired in two or three days.
Ravalli Republican, Thursday, June 23, 1938

Charlie Waddell Retires, Robinson Replaces Him
    A retired assistant postmaster is shown above.  Mr. Waddell and Howard Robinson are both well known to Hamilton post office patrons.  Mr. Waddell retired as of July 1 after being in the postal service since May 1, 1912, and Howard Robinson was appointed to the position. Charlie Waddell was born April 12, 1893 at Murray, Idaho and came to Hamilton with his family when he was 16.  He is a 1911 graduate of Hamilton high school.  He began his postal career as one of the first city carriers, progressed to night shift and clerking responsibilities and became assistant postmaster in October 1918. Charlie, one of the most popular men who have to meet the public day after day, served under four postmasters, C. C. Chaffin, George R. Fisk, A. C. Baker and C. A. Smithey.  He has always been noted for his amiable disposition and courtesy despite constant demands and numerous complaints by the public.
    The Waddells were married May 18, 1926 and have one son, Bob, who was graduated from Hamilton high school this spring.  Only organization with which Charlie has affiliated is Ionic Lodge AF & AM.At present he has no definite plans except to get in a lot of fishing.  A few small trips are on the itinerary and perhaps in a year or so, Charles Waddell will find himself in some kind of business.
    Howard Robinson, a native of Hamilton, was born March 23, 1914.  His father was the late Harry Robinson, who also was employed at the post office for a time.  His mother, Ruby Robinson, still lives here. After graduating from high school in 1933 he went to work for the bakery and a short time later became a sub at the post office.  From there he worked up to the assistant postmaster position.  He was married to Fern Wayland May 29, 1937 and they also have one boy, Jay, 10.  �Duso� Robinson�s first hitch in the navy was during World War II from 1944 to about 1946.  He came home, went back to work at the post office and was recalled to duty for 15 months.  He was discharged in November of last year.
The Western News, Hamilton, MT, July 17, 1954, Front Page column 6 photo included
Contributed by Gloria McGough

Honors For Bride
Mrs. Russell Bay Feted by Corvallis Friends
Corvallis, July 24 - Mrs. Russell Bay was recipient of a miscellaneous shower last Wednesday afternoon, given for her by Mrs. Jean Bryson, Mrs. Louis Hull and Mrs. Alvin Whitesitt at the home of the latter. A variety of gifts opened by the bride and graciously acknowledged. A short session of bingo provided diversion and there was served a lunch at 4 o�clock. There were present Mesdames J.E. Bryson, L.C. Hull, Hans Bay, J.L. Everly, Robert Thomas, J.E. Hawker, D.O. Cobb, C.F. Schwab, Frank Chapman, J.N. Ashby, Wyatt Frost, Lee Simmons, J.W. Hull, John Hull, Mary Summers, Kuert Lovely, Amy Frogge, Richard Bryson, Fritz Bay, Edwin Buck, James Weber, Edwin Buck Jr, R.R. Hull, D.A. Corbett, Orion Cobb, M.L. Chaffin, Arthur Dowse, M.E. Cobb, and Misses Laura Mattson, Flora Snowden, Bessie Lane, Lu Rea Cobb, and the honor guest.
Summertime Homecomers Given Picnic Supper
    Complimenting Vivian O�Brien of Seattle and Dr. Gilbert Cobb of Compton, Cal, visitors in the valley this month, a picnic supper ws served last Wednesday evening at the Tucker picnic ground. Hostesses were Mrs. Margaret Simmons and her daughters, Misses Doris and Clara Simmons. Guests were Miss O�Brien, Dr. Cobb, Mrs. Emily McLeod, Charles O�Brien, Albert Hamilton, Cora Wilcocks, Joe Wilcocks, Lyell Frost, Frances Mickens, Dick Dowse, Walter Worden, Leonard Simmons, Edna, Erma and Bermand Tintzman, Mrs. Fay West, Robert Talbot, Barney Gillum and Mr. and Mrs. Del Brisbin.
Birthdays Observed
    The birthday anniversary of Bruce Bryson was celebrated Saturday with a dinner for 16 provided by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Bryson. Besides members of the immediate Bryson family, there were present Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Peterson and two children of San Bernardino, Cal, Mrs. Roy Helrigle and three children of Los Angeles, Mrs. Charles Peterson of Anaconda, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wood and Phillip Wood of Victor.
    Birthdays of H.E. Elliott, a visitor here from Deer Lodge, and Robert Simmons of Missoula were observed jointly Sunday with a dinner for 12 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Myers. Out-of-town guests ere Miss Ethel Swanson of Anaconda of Anaconda and the Elliott family of Deer Lodge.
Lawn Party
    Jean Morris entertained a company of young friends at a party on the lawn at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Otto Quast, Friday evening. A treasure hunt and supper were the entertainment. The young people were served by Mrs. Ray Morris and she was assisted by Mrs. Troy McKinney. The boys and girls to take part were Jean and Jack Morris, Betty Crow, Rosemary Foreman, Carol Chaffin, Agnes Coleman, Helen Felix, Bobby and Dorothy Smyth, James Kane, Terry and Donald Kerr, Dick Edwards, and Leonard Krout.
Ravalli Republican July 25, 1940

    War Ration books No. Four are being handed out to citizens today and tomorrow in Hamilton as well as throughout the nation. In Hamilton the new ration books can be secured at the following places between the hours of 3:00 and 8:00 p.m.: Jefferson school, Washington school, Chamber of Commerce building.
    At Corvallis high school, books will be given out today and tomorrow from three to eight. At Sula, books will be given out the same days at the same hours as at Corvallis. People of the Darby district will get their ration books at the school house from two to eight in the afternoon, today and Friday.
    Registrants must present War Book No. 3 as well as application blank filled out and signed. (One application blank for each family). Everyone getting books will be asked to sign the Home Front Pledge at that time. It is requested that you have application blanks filled out properly in order to save time of yourself, of others seeking books, and of the volunteers who are handling the work.
The Western News, October 28, 1943

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Skaw, Hamilton are parents of a 6 lb 11 oz girl born Tuesday, September 9 at Daly hospital. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberts and great grandmother Mrs. Sophie Roberts, all of Hamilton. Paaternal grandmother Mrs. Florence Skaw also lives in Hamilton. The baby has brothers Rocky and Howard.

    Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bernatz Jr and children, Benny and Brooke left here today for Racine, Wisconsin where they will live. The Bernatz family returned recently from Australia and the Far East for the Case Company. He has been reassigned to Racine and will continue to be engaged in export activities.

    Mrs. Tony Wayland underwent major surgery at St. Patrick hospital in Missoula Tuesday. She is doing well.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Malakhoff and son Larry left today for their Jefferson City, Missouri home after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wanderer, and with others. Mrs. Malakhoff and baby came to Hamilton August 7 and her husband arrived August 31. He is a bridge designer for the Missouri highway commission.

Mr. and Mrs. John Philip Zacha of Hamilton are parents of a 6 lb 7 oz boy, born Wednesday, September 10 at Daly hospital. They have named him David Scott. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Anton Richter of Stevensville. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Zacha of Corvallis, and great grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Zacha of Hamilton, and Mrs. L.J. Campbell, Corvallis.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lindgred left today for Salt Lake City where she will attend the market week. They expect to return home next week.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howell of Glendive are the parents of a girl, born Sunday, September 7 at Daly hospital. The have named the little lass Renee Ann and she weighed 8 lbs 14 oz upon arrival. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Tucker of Victor, great grandparents Mr. and Mrs. G.L. Gibson, Hamilton, Mrs. Tucker Briby of Missoula. Paternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Harley Howell live here and great grandmother Mrs. J.B. Gill lives in Glendale, California. Renee has a brother Brant.

Donald Porter, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Porter of Charlos Heights underwent surgery on his left knee this morning at Daly hospital. The bone was cracked while he was in football scrimmage Friday. His parents and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Porter and Mrs. Robert Paddock are absent in Missouri, called last Wednesday by the death of Russell Porter�s mother, Mrs. Dora Porter, who lived near Ava. They are all expected home tomorrow. The boy�s grandmother Mrs. Gertrude Rennaker and a distant relative Mrs. Luella Frost have been caring for Donald.
The Western News, September 4, 1958