Darby Schools Close With Fine program
Pupils and Teachers Picnic in Tincup Canyon
Darby, May 25 -
Graduating exercises were held in the assembly rooms of the
schoolhouse Tuesday evening. The hall was crowded, as these were the
first pupils to graduate from the Darby high school. Mrs. Reuben
Ostegren sang a beautiful solo, "The Tempest of the Heart," and Mrs.
Albert Zoske, with a beauty of expression seldom heard, sang the
"Last Rose of Summer. An address was made by Rev. Mr. Mainwaring,
after which, with a very appropriate and practical talk, Professor
Madison presented diplomas to the five graduates, Dorothy Miller,
Agnes Byrd, Ralph Milan, Wayne Overturf and Harold Overturf.
The school has been successful in all its
branches and there is much satisfaction with the manner in which it
has been conducted by Professor Madison and the corps of teachers
under him during the year a find, modern school building has been
erected, finished and equipped with the latest school appliances and
moved into the latter part of the term taught there. Professor
Madison will leave this week for an outing in the mountains in
The Program:
May pole dance - Thirty-four students in the lower grades
Dialogue - Vacation club, girls of the fifth and sixth grades
Duet - Devere Day and Marie Fowler
Class prophecy - Agnes Byrd
Duet - Sarah Miles and Gladys Thompson
Reading - "The Old Settler's Store," by Will Carleton, Dorothy
Octette - Indian speciality, Sara Miles, Marie Fowler, Gladys
Thompson, Margery Laird, Devere Day, Eldridge Day, Forest Cooper,
and Cronary Syverson
In the afternoon, the high school class and the
seventh and eighth grades and all the teachers picnicked in Tincup
canyon. Patrons of the school are much pleased with the improvement
in instruction during the last term and are glad that a majority of
the teachers will be here again next year.
The Western News, June 4, 1915
Darby School is Entitled to Four
Years of High School Work Says Superintendent
Darby, August 8 - Professor White has been notified by the state
superintendent that the Darby school is now fully accredited for
four years of high school work, which entitles the graduates of the
school to enter any college or university in Montana or elsewhere.
The Ravalli Republican, Friday, August 9, 1918
Tuesday will be the beginning of the school year
for all districts in Ravalli County. A.B. Cole, superintendent at
Darby for many years, is again at the head of that town's school
system with Alvin Kincaid, Alan Oliver, Mrs. Bessie Marble, Donald
Puckett, Miss Margaret Johnson, Mrs. Xoa Dougherty, Miss Agnes
Hannon, Miss Elizabeth Johnson, Miss Katherine Safley, Miss Evelyn
Gibford and Miss Lorena Greenfield as instructors in the grade and
high school.
Ravalli Republican, September 1, 1938
Large Class to End School Course at
Darby, May 3, 1939 - Nineteen boys and girls will
receive high school diplomas at commencement exercises which are to
be held here May 17. The seniors are Lenore Cole, valedictorian;
Wanda Daw, salutatorian; Russell Chapman, Dell Daw, Glenrose Ward,
James Schwarzrock, Donald Robbins, Ronald Gibford, Margaret Jones,
Vivian Hart, Isabelle Vaughn, Clifford Trollope, Grace Squires, Leo
Norman, Raymond Gierdal, Edward Nicholson, Anna Carver, Fred
Gierdal, and Betty Overturf. The class motto is "Hoping, Doing,
Succeeding," and the colors of the rainbow signify the class emblem.
All wild flowers serve as the class favorite.
Superintendent A.B. Cole, Alvin Kincaid, Alan
Oliver, and Miss Margaret Johnson are the high school faculty
members. Commencement exercises will take place at the auditorium,
the seniors to give their own program.
Ravalli Republican, Thursday, May 4, 1939
School House Improved in All
Superintendent A.B. Cole to Open
Term Tuesday With Three New Teachers; Many Changes
Darby, August 30, 1939 - The Darby consolidated
school will open Tuesday with Superintendent A.B. Cole again at the
head. Three new instructors will join the faculty this year. Miss
Alta White of Hamilton will teach the second grade and Mrs. Ada
Miller of Dillon will care for the third grade, replacing Miss
Evelyn Gibford and Miss Kathryn Safley, who were married during the
summer. Miss Loretta Greenfield will again teach the primary grade,
Miss Elizabeth Johnson, fourth grade; Miss Agnes Hannon, fifth
grade; Mrs. Xoa Dougherty, sixth grade; junior high school will be
the work of the senior high school instructors, who are Mr. Cole,
Mrs. Bessie Marble, Alan Oliver, Donald Puckett, Alvin Kincaid, and
Miss Verna Owens.
Finishing touches to the remodeling of the school
building are being made this week. Improvements made this summer
include kalsomining and painting of the first five grade rooms and
halls, completing a two-year renovation plan for the two main
floors. All woodwork and floors now have new coats of paint and
varnish and the walls are brightened with lighter tints. New metal
folding chairs and desks have been purchased for the assembly room
and an out-door drinking fountain has been installed on the west
playground. Repairs have been completed and the foreground landscape
has been a special delight to the Darby patrons this summer.
The boys of the manual training department will
construct additional shelves and cupboards for general use in the
library. The garage, which has been used in recent years for
storage, has been remodeled into apartments for teachers.
Ravalli Republican, Thursday, August 31, 1939
Darby High School Holds 26th Annual
Commencement with Class of Fourteen
The twenty-sixth annual commencement program of
Darby High School was held last night in the high school auditorium
at which time fourteen students were graduated receiving their
diplomas from Superintendent A.B. Cole.
Members of the graduating class were: Dorothy
Christopherson, Hugh Clyde, Elaine Cole, Lee Cruson, Maisie Fadness,
Leigh Goodrich, Arnold Hart, Sarah Hart, Velma Hart, Francis
Hopkins, Dan Norman, Judy Overturf, Gene Shockley, and Ralph Skaw.
Exercises included music singing and speaking by
various members of the graduating class.
The Western News, May 16, 1940
Diplomas to Darby Seniors May 20
Darby, May 13 - Baccalaureate services for the 15 members of the
Darby high school senior class will be held Sunday at 11 a.m. in the
Baptist church and commencement exercises will be held in the school
auditorium Wednesday, May 20, at 8:30 p.m., A.B. Cole,
superintendent announced today,
The baccalaureate program follows:
Processional, Mrs. Xoa Daugherty; hymn,
congregation; invocation, the Rev. E.T. Thorn; chorus, Dora Warren,
Velma Overturf, Thelma Lord, Wilma Skaw, Marie Robbins; offertory,
Mrs. Xoa Daugherty; hymn, congregation; sermon, “Diligence, Honor,
Sincerity, Service, the Rev. H.J. Van Vliet; song by girls’ chorus;
benediction, the Rev. Mr. Van Vliet; recessional, Mrs. Xoa
The commencement program:
Processional, class song, “Remember Darby High,” invocation, Rev Van
Vliet, chairman of the school board; salutatorian address, “honor,”
Cecelia Goodboe; class history, June Cumley; trio, Wilma Warren,
Clara Belle Cole, Anna Mae Nicholson; class statistics, Eugene
Henderson; address, “Diligence,” Gwen Cumley; class will, Robert
Yorton; clarinet solo, Clara Belle Cole with Wilma Warren as
accompanist; address, “Service,” David Goodrich; class prophecy,
Walter Dye; presentation of emblem, William Wetzsteon’ sextette,
Anna Mae Nicholson, Lois Fifield, June Cumley, Clara Belle Cole,
Wilma Warren, Arvilla Brown’ valedictorian address, “Sincerity,”
Audrey Miles; presentation of honors, awards and diplomas,
Superintendent Cole.
Members of the class are Arvilla Brown, Clara
Belle Cole, Cecelia Goodboe, Lois Fifield, Eugene Henderson, June
and Owen Cumley, Dave Goodrich, Ralph Hollibaugh, Walter Dye, Audrey
Miles, Anna Mae Nicholson, Wilma Warren, William Wetzsteon, Robert
Ravalli Republican, May 14, 1942
The 1944 graduation class at Darby High School
will number fourteen of whom three are in the service of Uncle Sam
and will consequently get their diplomas through an intermediary.
Richard Brechbill is valedictorian of the class which will be
graduated at Commencement exercises to be held in the high school
auditorium at Darby starting at 8:30 the evening of Wednesday, May
17. There will be no outside speaker and the program has been
prepared by the student body of Darby High School.
Baccaulareate services will be held at the Darby
Baptist Church at 11 o'clock Sunday morning May 14 with Rev. A.J.
House delivering the sermon.
Members of the graduating class are: Richard
Brechbill, Lila Christensen, Kermit Cole, Del Cumley, Don Durland,
Helen Hitchcott, Alvin House Jr, Gerald Lord, Thelma Lord, Vernon
Langley, Leonard Lindquist, Dean Priestley, Marie Robbins, Gene
Gerald Lord, Vernon Langley, and Leonard
Lindquist are in the service.
The Western News, May 11, 1944
Honor Roll for Darby High School
The honor roll for Darby High School as announced
by V.V. Scudder, Superintendent, has upon it the names of the
following students by classes, who distinguished themselves during
the past 6-week period by the good character of their work in
Seniors: Laura Abbey, Art Diehl, Joe Champine, Paul House, Barbara
Langley, Margaret Maybe, Vern Personett, Juanity Rice, Grant
Juniors: Alice Buckallew, Bobbie Donica, Gwen Flightner, Jean
Jaquette, Archie Lorentzen, DeLis Oswald, Carol Shockley, Belve
Skaw, Paul Wetzsteon
Sophomores: Frank Bedey, Henry Brechbill, Jim Flightner, Anne
Hannon, Junior Meskimen, Marie shook, Dennis West, Evelyn Whiting
Freshmen: Marian Campbell, James Goodrich, Maxine Jaquette, Ronnie
Wilkerson, Sharon Zoske
The Western News, Thursday October 30, 1947
Darby Graduation Exercises May 26
Charles F. Hertler, associate professor of
physical education at the University of Montana, will be the speaker
at the Darby commencement exercises at 8 p.m. May 26 when 16
seniors will receive their diplomas.
Graduates will include: Clayton Buhler, Clifford
Buhler, Joe Champine, Bill Cumley, Arthur Diehl, Joyce Donica, Keith
Henault, Paul House, Katherine Kearney, Florence Leavens, Barbara
Langley, LeRoy McCrossin, Juanita Rice, Kenneth Skaw, Grant
Wanstrath, Ernie Wilcox.
Music will be by the various groups from the
Darby chorus and band. Baccalaureate services will be at 11 a.m. May
23 with the Rev. A.J. House delivering the sermon.
Ravalli Republican, May 18, 1948
Darby Graduation Exercises to be
Next Wednesday
Darby high school commencement exercises will be
held at 8 o'clock next Wednesday evening at the school with Parker
B. Lusk of Montana State University, Missoula, as the speaker.
Twenty-three seniors will be presented their diplomas by Harold
Irwin, chairman of the board of education. The eighth grade diplomas
will be presented by Superintendent F.V. Scudder.
Evelyn Whiting will give the salutatorian's
address and Virgil Schultz the valedictorian's oration. Invocation
and benediction will be iven by the Rev. Beryl L. Burr and musical
numbers will be presented by Roger Wilkerson, the high school chorus
and the high school trio.
Marian Campbell and Durrel Rennaker will act as
state ushers for the exercises and floor ushers will be Jim Algie,
Betty Weeks, Bob Border, and Maxine Jaquette.
Graduates will include Henry Brechbill, Philip
Donally, Phyllis Jean Donally, LaVern H. Fadness, James Flightner,
Margery Anne Hannon, Adeline Hansen, Alberta Henderson, Delia
Howell, Barney Keely, Loma Lee Leavens, James Lofftus, Marvin F.
Lundberg, Mary J. Martin, Elmer Meskimen, Jr, Lester Meskimen,
Donald Pellett, Curtis Ray, Virgil Schultz, Bettie M. Shook, Edith
Weeks, Evelyn Whiting, and Barbara Zilla.
The Western News, Thursday, May 25, 1950
Last Thursday, May 23, found 35 members of the
Darby High School graduating class of 1974 listening as Donald
Scothorn, president of the First State Bank of Stevensville,
extolled the good uses of education calling upon the young people to
meet the "challenge" of the world into which they are entering. John
Hayes, chaiman of the Darby school board issued diplomas to the
following class members: Lee R. Abbott, Mary Marie Cooper, Verna G.
Wales, Mindy Sue Zeiler, Kari Darlene Rennaker, Terry Duane
Schallenberger, Steve O'dell Christian, Donald Joseph Ray, Brett
Franklin Parmenter, Luanne Raymond, Steve Hiatt, David Joseph
Hummel, Connie Jo Henderson, Jody Louise Sargent, Michael Kim
Johnson, Susan Mary Fifield, Karen Lynn Nash, Kay Marie Nash, Brad
Lynn Johnson, Don Betts, Denise Margo Toth, Kathleen Kay Richards,
Tari Ray Bodle, Amber E. Seitz, Connie Ann Furniss, Kevin Richard
McLaughlin, Jayne Marie Lindquist, Andy DeRita, Sylvia Lyn Matthews,
Kent L. Hopkins, John E. Tupa, Karen Marie McCrossin, Sonya J.
Morton, Randy Scott Wildey, Patrician Henry Spurlock.
The Western News, May 29, 1974