The following articles
The October 1, 1919 Butte Daily Post
were submitted by
Sandie Eisenbath.
Thank you for your time and hard work in typing and scanning in the
A daughter was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Israel of 1165 West Silver Street. The little girl was welcomed by her two brothers. Mother and baby are doing well. BUTTE IN BRIEF Arthur Nelson, who makes the run between Ennis and Norris by stage coach, paid a visit to Butte yesterday in company with Dr. McNalen of Ennis. For the last several years he has made the drive between the terminus of the Northern Pacific branch road to the city of Ennis. Mrs. R. D. McClelland and Miss Mary C. Roberts of Livingston arrived in Butte this morning to do their fall shopping. A. E. Rodgers, a business man of Three Forks, spent the morning looking after his affairs in Butte. A. J. DeMinter of Great Falls is a business visitor today. He is staying at the Leggat. Miss Florence McLeod of Harlowton is spending a few days with friends in the city. Dillon visitors at the Butte today include W. D. Oliver and E. W. Slack. Peter Sorenson, prominent resident of Livingston, is a guest at the Finlen. Mrs. Millie Wilder of Radersburg is shopping in the city today. W. B. Saunders of Helena is at the Thornton. DOC STORK TRYING TO RECTIFY HIS MISTAKE "Dr. Stork must have awakened and discovered the error he was making in delivering more boys than girls during an era of peace," said an official of the city bureau this morning, "for in today's report there are no boys mentioned, while four girls were brought to Butte homes yesterday. The good old doctor apparently is now trying to rectify his mistake." Daughters were born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bauman, 707 Dakota street; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Birkett, 91 Locust street; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Johnson, 3205 State street. And Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Calcatera, 252 Williams Street.
CLARK ELECTED HEAD OF THE REBEKAHS The semi-annual district convention of the Daughters of Rebekah, which was held in Butte yesterday, came to a close last night with the election of officers for the ensuing term and the selection of Dillon as the next meeting place of the convention. The district includes Siler bow and adjacent counties and more that 300 delegates were in attendance. The officers elected were: Mrs. Bertha Clarke of Butte, president: Mrs. Jessie Taylor, Diana lodge, Butte, vice president: Mrs. Sara Johnson, Silver Leaf lodge, Butte, secretary: Mrs. Lillie Beardsley, Jewel lodge, Boulder, treasurer: Mrs. James, Martha lodge, Centerville, warden: Mrs. Annie Berryman, Miram lodge, Butte, chaplain. In
the absence of the president of the organization, Mrs. E. A. Kline,
chairman of the general committee, presided at the afternoon business
session. A banquet was
served in the evening following the last business session.
Mrs. Millie Wilder of Radersburg was in the chair. |
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