Served in the Philippines with United States Army during the troubles with Spain—Had lived in the mining city for thirty years.

     Joseph Corby, the last republican mayor of Butte, died last night at his home 1107 West Granite Street, after a short illness. Mr. Corby was taken suddenly ill the first of the week with meningitis and was unable to rally from the attack of the disease. He was 50 years old.

     Mr. Corby was a member of the Eleventh legislative assembly of Montana and mayor of Butte from 1907 to 1909, being followed by Mayor Charles P. Nevin.  He was for some years state inspector of weights and measures. By profession he was a hoisting engineer and worked for years in the Butte mines without an accident charged against his record. During the administration of sheriff Henderson, Mr. Corby served as chief clerk and was one of the most popular men on the force.

In the War With Spain

     When Spain and the United States went to war in 1898 Mr. Corby enlisted as a private. At the end of the war he came back as a second lieutenant and was one of the most trusted officers of his regiment. He was a member of the United Spanish War Veterans, the Modern Woodmen of America and the Woodmen of the World.

     “Few officers were ever as popular with their men as was Joe Corby during the war in the Philippines,” said Ed Morrissey, a member of the Thomas W. Lawton camp, United Spanish War Veterans, and a close friend of Mr. Corby’s, last night. “He couldn’t see any difference between a general and a private, if they were both the right sort of men. He was true to every member of his company and to every officer above him. He would go to any length to help any of his men. The death of Joe Corby will bring grief to many men who knew him.”

     Mr. Corby had lived in Butte for 30 years and was one of the city’s well-known and best-liked citizens. Friends by the score called at his home yesterday afternoon when his illness was announced to express their hopes for his recovery.

     He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. Howard Tilton. The body was removed to Richards’ undertaking parlors. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.

Date: Friday, June 29, 1917  
Paper: Anaconda Standard (Anaconda, Montana) Volume: XXVIII  Issue: 299  Page: 3    



     With full military honors due the man who responded to the call of the colors that came 19 years ago and with the religious services of the church to which he was attached, Joseph Corby, lieutenant in the First Montana and mayor of Butte from 1907 to 1909, was laid at rest yesterday afternoon in the family plot in Mount Moriah cemetery.

     St. John’s Episcopal church where the body lay in state from noon until the hour set for the religious services was visited in hundreds who wished to take a last look at the man they had known and admired in life. As the time for the service approached the big organ of the church played in soft tones that well-known hymn “Abide With Me.” When the family and the immediate friends arrived at the church the casket bedecked with floral offerings was wheeled from the rear of the church to the front of the church proceeded by the Rev. Charles F. Chapman, rector of the parish. Family and close friends followed to the seats assigned to them near the altar.  All seating room was taken and many remained outside.

     The religious service was the regular one of the Episcopal church and was read by Dr. Chapman. In consideration of the strain on the bereaved wife and daughter, the service was not lengthened by remarks, and as soon as the benediction was reached the casket was carried from the church, followed by the mourner to the strain of “Nearer, My God, to Thee,” on the organ.

     From the church east on Broadway to Montana, and thence down that thoroughfare to the cemetery, the line of march was taken up by those on foot and those in automobiles. At the head marched a platoon of policemen, headed by Walter Morrison, who had served with Joe Corby in the Philippines. Next came the United Spanish War Veterans, led by a firing squad of eight, all of whom had gone through the same service with the man they were there to honor. Then came a company of the Second Montana which saluted as the casket was carried out then the hearse and the mourners.

     At the cemetery Capt. Andrew Jensen, who took the Dillon company through from Manila to Maloloa, conducted the ritual service of the United Spanish War Veterans, the firing squad sent a volley over the grave and the bugle sounded taps for one of the squarest men who ever filled a public office, and one of the best-like men in these parts.  

     When the procession started the bell on the city hall began to ring and toiled until all was over.

     The pallbearers were Capt. Walter Wynne, Ed Morrissey, George Wheeler, William D. Tracy W. D. Fenner and John Morgan.

     It required a special vehicle to carry the floral offerings to the grave.


Date: Tuesday, July 3, 1917  
Paper: Anaconda Standard (Anaconda, Montana) Volume: XXVIII  Issue: 303 Page: 14  


 Funeral of former mayor
to be held on next
Monday afternoon

    The United Spanish War Veterans will pay last honors to Joseph Corby’s memory next Monday afternoon with the final salute over the former veteran’s grave. Arrangements for the funeral were completed yesterday. A platoon of police, a company of soldiers and the members of Thomas W. Lawton camp, United Spanish War Veterans, will be in the funeral procession.

     The funeral services will be held at St. John’s Episcopal Church, the Rev. C. F. Chapman officiating. The funeral body will start from the Richards undertaking parlors at 2 o’clock. Burial will be in Mount Moriah cemetery in the family plot.

     A meeting of the Thomas W. Lawton camp will be held tonight at 8:30 to make final arrangements for the funeral. All members of the camp are asked to be present.

     The pallbearers will be Ed Morrissey, Capt. Walter Wynne, J. Morgan, George Wheeler, W. D. Fenner and William D. Tracy.

Date: Saturday, June 30, 1917  
Anaconda Standard (Anaconda, Montana) Volume: XXVIII  Issue: 300  Page: 3  


     The Lincoln Republican Club of Butte has passed the following resolutions in honor of the memory of former Mayor Joseph Corby:

     “Whereas, the Hon. Joseph Corby, a member of the Lincoln Republican Club, No. 1, of Silver Bow County, departed this life June 28, 1917, at the age of 50 years.

     “In the prime of life, with the promise of years of usefulness yet before him, the Creator, in his inscrutable wisdom, saw fit to remove him from worldly activities to the ‘realm beyond the skies.’

     “While we humbly bow to the dictate of the divine Providence, it is fitting that we, the officers and members of this club, here pay tribute to the memory of a man endeared to us by years of unselfish devotion to the advancement of our political policies and principles. This contact with his personality, our intimate knowledge of his character and ability, created many warm friendships with his associates and marked him as a leader among us.

     “Of broad mind, his fairness, sincerity, earnestness and intellectual ability won from our political adversaries their respect and confidence rather than enmity and hostility.

     “Raised from early boyhood in Butte to toiler among the masses, every act of his life typified the unselfish, broad, high-minded character he possessed and lifted him among his fellowmen.

     “Patriotic to the highest degree, when our country called in 1898 he sprang to the colors and served with credit and distinction during the Spanish American war, rising from the rank of private to a first lieutenancy during the short period of that war.

     “As a member of the Tenth legislative assembly of the state of Montana, in 1907, he left his impress upon the constructive legislation of this state and in the legislative halls he warmly advocated every progressive measure uplifting the welfare of the people.

     “Elected and serving as mayor of the city of Butte, May 1907, to May 1909, he labored faithfully and well to advance the interests of our city, and this at a sacrifice of his personal interests.

    “During the later years of his life he served as state inspector of weights and measures and later as a valued member of the office force of the sheriff of this county. Therefore, be it

     “Resolved, That we here commemorate the memory of the late Joseph Corby as a man stanch and true: a faithful friend, possessed strongly with sympathy for those less fortunate and constantly having in mind their temporal advancement and happiness, of exemplary habits, his life was filled with devotion to his family and those dear to him; and always inspired by the highest ideals of good citizenship we commend his life and character as worthy of emulation to all. Be it further

     “Resolved, That copies of this resolution be furnished the public press, that it be recorded in the minutes of this club and that a copy be given to his widow, Mrs. Sena Corby, as a testimonial of esteem, with our deepest sympathy in this her great hour of bereavement.

     “Passed July 7, 1917.

     “JOHN M. BARBER, President
“Attest: T.D. BUTTERFIELD, Sec’y.

       “W. D. FENNER,
            “PAUL OZANNE”

Monday, July 9, 1917
Anaconda Standard (Anaconda, Montana) Volume: XXVIII  Issue: 309  Page: 6