Land Ownerships & Transfers
[From Forum Title Abstract Files of
Early Pioneers]
Revised 5 September 2003 [Corrected data errors]
The Clark’s Fork
Valley area was settled
in three basic manners; and in tracing ones ancestors’ history,
could prove to be misleading. It is not possible to use the Bureau of Land
Management Warrant or Patent Title files by themselves to determine where an
ancestor was over the approximate period of time during the 1877 to1882 land
rush. Many obtained Land Patents in name only. Please consider the following
when searching for your ancestor’s trail. The Forum land files supplement
the BLM files, and are filled with thousands of names and events.
Land Procurement – Original Homesteaders
When the land office in Bozeman
received the land plat for the Valley area in April 1877, the rush was on to
claim free land for farming, timber, and other normal activities. Many of the
settlers had previous claims for land in other states, and initially these
settlers were restricted to 160 acres of “free land.” These people
filed and received real Patents through their diligence in meeting the
requirements of Section 2306 of the Revised Statutes of the United States
for homesteading. This took from two to ten years to accomplish. They settled
almost exclusively on or near the Yellowstone
River north banks. By
1878 virtually all the land between Bozeman and Big Horn
River was taken. The
heaviest concentration of settlers was in the Canyon Creek area (Riverfront Park vicinity and further south.)
Through an error in accountability for School
Land allotment made at the time Montana became a State,
some of domain land had to be returned. Since the land acquisition moved so
fast, some of this land was settled before it could be set aside; thus creating
a need for a Congressional Act
to take back those lands. In the local area, Section 16 in Range 26E Tp 1S
(Riverfront Park area) was one of those parcels. Six settlers were disposed.
Another was Section 36 in Range 25E, Township 1N (Big Ditch pickup area, south
of Park City.)
Land Procurement – Northern Pacific Railroad
After the Indian Wars were settled, NPR began to freely move into the area.
Delays of construction created by the Indian wars caused significant loss of
revenue since settlers wouldn’t come, nor would investors gamble on
future profits from land sales. Many lost their fortunes. Initially it was
planned that the track would go from Bismarck west to the Yellowstone River,
pass through the Crow Reservation to Pryor Creek and cross at that point and
continue on to Fort Benton. Heman Clark,
the general contractor for NPR at that time and residing in Miles City,
created a special
interest group to further his and the railroad’s financial future by
gaining large returns on investments from sale of NPR land as it passed through
the territory. Clark solicited support from TF Oakes (current NPR President),
Frederick Billings (Previous NPR President), John B Westbrook (Miles City), and
Thomas C Kurtz (from Moorhead, MN). They pooled their resources and established
an operating capital of $200,000 and filed for charter in Minneapolis as
“Minnesota and Montana Land and Improvement Company.” Filing was
performed on March 24, 1882. This insiders’ group conceived of a new
method of authorizing land ownership through the use of “scrip”,
not to be confused with “script” issued by the government to war
veterans. According to an article printed in the Century Magazine, September
“The creation of a new town on a line
of railroad pushing its track out into vacant, treeless spaces of the west, is
an interesting process to observe. The speculator, or a company of speculators,
look over the ground carefully fifty or a hundred miles in advance of the
temporary terminus of the railroad, and hit upon a site which they think has
special advantages, and is far enough away from the last town. They make a
treaty with the railroad company for a section of land, agreeing perhaps, to
share in the prospective profits on the sale of lots. They then “scrip”
the adjoining sections of government land, or take it up with desert land
claims. The speculator with his pocket stocked with scrip is able to pick out
any choice sections not occupied by homesteads or preemption claimants. Having
thus obtained a sufficient body of land to operate with the founding of the new
town is trumpeted in newspapers and in all the frontier region for hundreds of
miles there is a stir of excitement about the coming city. Billings on the
Yellowstone is a good example of a town made by this process.”
A contract between NPR and Heman Clark (acting on behalf of his new Land
Company) on April 1, 1882 provided the firm with 29,394.22 acres in and around Billings
[Clark’s Fork Valley.] NPR was paid $113,558.86 for the land. On March 20, 1883 NPR
made two conveyances of overlapping odd numbered sections on the Montana Prime
Meridian to the Land Company covering the Billings Site (Section 3-1S-26E and
Section 33-1N-26E). The Land Company then formed a new company within its shell
and organized as the “Billings Townsite Company.” Heman Clark
(still NPR General Manager) was appointed president and managed the operations
associated with the two sections and the sale of lots. Essentially this limited
the ability of non-members to speculate in land development profits in the
Yellowstone Valley. Most of the prime locations were under control of the Land
Company. NPR and the Land Company initiated extensive marketing, and sale of
the land was underway almost immediately.
Land that was settled by homesteaders before NPR filed for the land was
exempted from the NPR acquisitions. Basically this was land near the river,
with some exceptions for settlers operating quarries near the rims.
Frederick Billings (Co-founder of Minnesota and Montana Land and Improvement
Company) purchased from the Land Company all of Section 5, T1S in Range 26E on
15 June 1883 for $35,600. He held the property for a year, and then traded it
back to the Land Company in exchange for two other sections (Sections 3 &
19) in Range 25E, T1S. For the exchange he paid an additional $1600. He now
held 1,280 acres of prime real estate and had a greater investment in the land
company. [This huge amount of money had to have been used as a
‘prop’ to bolster the land company’s value, and present an
inflated value to the Billings area land price.]
Land Speculation Sale
When the Land Company started to advertise property sales in the Yellowstone
Valley, other investors waiting for information as to where the development
would be located, began to scramble for their small portion of profits once
they were made aware of where the major cattle and freight shipping point would
be located. This created a unique situation in land ownership and the
subsequent creation of Billings’ early subdivisions that might lead one
to believe that their ancestor was really homesteading in the area prior to
creation of the subdivision. Only the homesteader names appear on the Patents
filed with the BLM. Multiple land transfers took place virtually simultaneously
in attempts to maximize profits in the “land grab” that occurred
when the town of Billings was created by the Land Company. [Not all
transfers identify the sales prices. Land was generally worth about $2.50 an
acre prior to the time that Billings was created.] Domain land that was
previously considered to be worthless (since there was no irrigation), and was
positioned in the even numbered sections adjacent to the local holdings of the
Land Company (managed by the Billings Townsite Company) became hot parcels for
profit taking. From the Forum files, it appears that many easterners wanted in
on the action. Either individually or collectively as small groups, they hired
local attorneys to secure land grants in their name (or the attorneys located
eastern farmers to initiate the acquisition). The schemes accomplished by these
people who appear to be homesteaders in the area went typically as
follows: (File #1852 – Foster’s
Subdivision example)
July 20, 1882 Power
of Attorney released in advance to L A Luce (attorney in Montana), along
with a $200 retainer, to accept an additional 80 acres of homestead lands in
the name of William Blair, and to sell same land as directed. Issued in Arkansas. (Completed 160 acres of land under the
Homestead Act for William Blair.)
September 27, 1882 Patent
application recorded for 80 acres (Section 32, Rn 26E, Tp1 E1/2-SE1/4)
adjacent to Billing’s townsite west side for William Blair. Recorded in Gallatin County, MT.
September 28, 1882 Quit
Claim Deed issued by Peter Koch (Notary Public) to Robert Foster (resident
living at 1717 4th St SE, Minneapolis, MN) in William Blair’s
name by L A Luce at Gallatin
County, to sell the property.
June 30, 1884 Patent
issued to William Blair and recorded by the United States. (Filed on December
30, 1899) [Note that William Blair was never in
Montana, and it was issued to him after he had sold the land two years
May 9, 1899 Release of Dower for the above
land to Robert Foster granted by Martha Blair. (Apparently an oversight in
authorization release.)
After collecting this and other similar adjacent small parcel lands from
out-of-state homestead investors, Robert Foster releases his interest in the
full land parcel by refilling applications at different county seats:
October 23, 1882 Warranty
Deed issued to transfer title from Robert Foster to Thomas G. Kurtz.
Recorded by H H Mund, notary public in Custer County, MT.
October 30, 1882 Warranty
Deed acknowledgement issued to transfer title from Lucinda Foster to Thomas
G. Kurtz. Recorded by John Wetenhall, notary public in Hennepin County, MN.
December 26, 1882 Plat
of Foster’s Subdivision filing from TC Kurtz & Co., acknowledged
by clerk in Custer County. Blocks 47-54-55-56-57-58-51-59-60 corresponds to
blocks 1-8-45-44-2-9-268-269-286 in original town plat.
June 9, 1883 Plat
of Foster’s Subdivision filing acknowledged by notary public in Clay
County, MN
September 26, 1883 Plat
of Foster’s Subdivision filing acknowledged by notary public in
Hennepin County, MN
November 16, 1883 Power
of Attorney released by Lucinda and Robert Foster to Fred Foster for their interest in the land.
December 3, 1883 Plat
of Foster’s Subdivision filing issued by Landowners (Kurtz and
Foster) in Custer County.
January 29, 1884 Quit
Claim issued by Fred Foster to Lucinda and Robert Foster by Probate Judge
in Billings.
July 17, 1887 Warranty
Deed transfers 1/4th interest in all platted property to John H
Conrad for $3,000. (Yellowstone County notary public)
October 29, 1890 Quit
Claim Deed transfers Conrad’s 1/4th interest in all
platted property to John R King for $4,000. (Yellowstone County notary public)
December 4, 1891 Warranty
Deed transfers King’s 1/4th interest in platted property
to J A Savage. (Park County notary public)
December 22, 1892 Warranty
Deed transfers 1/4th interest in platted property back to Robert
Foster by J A Savage. (Park County)
December 24, 1892 Warranty
Deed ½ interest in selected platted property from Robert Foster to John R
King for a $2,000 promissory note due in one year. Sale resulted from
foreclosure proceedings. (Yellowstone County)
Numerous other transfers, foreclosures, receiverships, assignment of
creditors and bank arrangements on this small piece of land take over from
here. If one were to look only at the homestead patents from the BLM records,
and take them at face value, the true nature of land ownership would be
overlooked. The original homesteader (William Blair) used in this example was
never in Montana. A co-adjacent homesteader, Hezekiah James (Arkansas homesteader),
who also sold his land to an attorney, was part of the formation of
Foster’s Subdivision through these land transfers, and also wasn’t
in Montana. It appears strange that these homesteaders sold their land
before receiving their actual Patent title.