Schools of
Beaverhead County, Montana
Beaverhead County once had
78 rural school, now they have only 19

Miss Blanche Lamont, schoolteacher and her class at
Hecla, October 1893
Courtesy of Library of Congress |

Hecla School, date unknown but likely late 1800's
style of dress |

Early one room schoolhouse from Jackson, Beaverhead
County |
Birch Creek School |

Millpoint School |

Beaverhead High School |

Public School, Dillon |
Elementary School, Dillon |
Polaris School was
established in 1892 as a
one-room school house.
Teachers boarded with
local families
until the building to
house teachers was
added. Fifty eight
teachers have taught 94
terms of schools from
1892-1990. Average
enrollment is six to
eight students per year.
Kindergarten through
eighth grade is taught
by one teacher.