Biographical Sketches
HON. FRANK SHOWERS, a law practitioner in Boulder, is of German extraction, his ancestors having emigrated to America early in the history of Pennsylvania. The grandfather, Abraham Showers, was born in that State, but afterward resided in Maryland, Virginia and Ohio, his death occurring in the latter State. He was an honest and industrious farmer. His son, Andrew Showers, was born in Virginia in 1818, and removed with his father to Champaign county, Ohio, in 1832, where they were among the pioneer settlers. Although only fourteen years of age, Andrew assisted his father in clearing and improving their new farm. He was there married to Miss Mary Slifer, a native of Maryland, and they had five children. The parents still reside on their farmin Ohio, the father aged seventy-five years. He enjoys the respect and esteem of his neighbors, many of whom have known him since he was a boy.
Frank Showers, their second child and eldest son, was born in Champaign county, Ohio, August 5, 1855, and was early inured to farm labor, attending school during the winter months. He afterward entered the Swedenborgian College, where he graduated in 1876. He then read law in Dayton, Ohio, with the firm of Houk & McMahon, was admitted to the bar in 1879, and then practiced his profession for ten years in Springfield. On accoount of ill health he came to Montana in 1889, was admitted to practice in this State in the fall of that year, and entered into a law partnership with George D. Greene at Boulder. Mr. Showers has always been an adherent to the principles of the Democratic party, and was the choice of his party, also the Populists' party, for District Judge, having been elected to that important office November 8, 1892. He is now serving as District Judge of the Fifth District, comprising the counties of Beaver Head, Jefferson and Madison. Judge Showers is possessed of an easy and prepossessing manner, is endowed with a fine, thoughtful and judicial mind, and has acquired a thorough knowledge of the law.
In 1878, in Urbana, Ohio, he was united in marriage with Louisa Cralle, a native of Virginia, and a daughter of Richard Cralle, of French extraction, but the family have long been residents of Virginia. Our subject and wife have one daughter, Mabel, who was born in 1881. They have a pleasant home in Boulder, and have made many warm friends in their community.
Source: Transcription from the book, An Illustrated History of the State of Montana, by Joaquin Miller, published in 1894; located on the website, Internet Archive (, accessed 15 January 2025.