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Adelphus Bartlett
Keith, History
of Montana,by Joaquin Miller, 1894 Adelphus Bartlett Keith, Private Secretary to the Governor of Montana, was born in Appleton Maine, April 24, 1855. His early life was spent on a farm with his parents where he was able to acquire the rudiments of an education in the country schoolhouse of the period. At the age of sixteen with parental consent he left home and began for himself the struggle of life. Devoting his nights and Sundays to close, systematic study, he added to acknowledge of the practical details of the printing trade and newspaper work a mastery of shorthand writing and a course in reading law. Becoming the proprietor of a newspaper, journalism seemed to offer better advantages than the practice of law and he devoted himself energetically to that work. His experience in journalism covers a wide field and he has successfully filled the various positions from that of reporter to that of managing editor and proprietor. He supplemented his journalistic experience with metaphysical studies and while in New York City graduated at the American Institute of Phrenology, taking a course in mental philosophy and anatomy and physiology. Some of the more eventful years of his life were spent in Iowa where he acquired a wide reputation as a newspaper man and politician, as well as a lecturer before popular audiences and educational bodies. He had early identified himself with the Democratic party and his prominence as a writer and speaker led to his unanimous nomination to the office of Secretary of State by the Democratic State convention of Iowa in 1880. Mr. Keith was then twenty-five years of age but as the head of the State ticket he made a vigorous campaign running ahead of his ticket in the State and taking his place as one of the prominent leaders of the party in Iowa. He subsequently served on important committees and in 1884 was an alternate to the national convention in Chicago and in 1888 represented Iowa as a delegate to the international convention in St. Louis. He gave to the Denison (Iowa) Bulletin more than a State-wide reputation, established Der Demokrat, a German paper and other newspaper enterprises in that State. At a later date he was associated with Judge Dinne now of the Supreme Court, in the publication of the Des Moines Daily Leader. Having retired from practical politics in deference to sentiments long cherished, Mr. Keith in April 1889 located in Helena Montana taking the editorship of the Montana Farming and Stock Journal. At the close of the State campaign that year he yielded to the earnest solicitation of Hon. Russell B. Harrison and accepted the managing editorship of the Helena Daily Journal, which he conducted with success through the memorable Precinct 34 contest and the legislative muddle that followed. After a year's absence, recuperating health and energy, he resumed work on the Journal, remaining until Mr. Harrison's unfortunate business complications in the East led to the closing down of the big printing house immediately after the defeat of his father, president Harrison in 1892. Shortly after this Mr. Keith accepted the position of private secretary to the Governor, tendered by Governor J.E. Rickards, of Montana. Outside the office hours Mr. Keith's taste for journalism finds expression in the managing editorship of the Montana Mining Area, a semi-monthly non-partisan magazine devoted to the mining interests of the State and recognized as the organ of that industry. He is prominent in the advocacy of silver, with both pen and voice, and proves his faith by liberal investments in mining enterprises. Interested in mining matters, Mr. Keith lectures occasionally under the auspices of the Northwestern Lecture bureau. Referring to one of his humorous productions, the New York Mail and Express said, "A new humorist has dawned in the West." The New York Journalist spoke of him as another Bill Nye, while the Helena Dailey Herald commented upon a humorous lecture as follows: "Brains" How to Make a Few Go a Long Way Without Using Any." was the subject of a most interesting lecture at the Y.M.C.A. rooms last evening. July 3, 1875 Mr. Keith was married to Miss Carrie Bieber, a native of Columbus, Ohio and they have had seven children, of whom five are living. |
Nicholas Kessler,
History of Montana,by Joaquin Miller, 1894 Nicholas Kessler, one of the prominent and enterprising businessmen of Helena Montana, is a native of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, Germany, born May 26, 1833. His youth and early manhood were spent in Germany and in 1854 he emigrated to America, landing there in January of that year and locating in Sandusky Ohio. In 1856 he removed from Sandusky to Chicago, where he was engaged in the commission business until the winter of 1859-60, then starting for Pikes Peak, Colorado. He arrived in Colorado in time to aid in the elections of the first Recorder of California Gulch, where Leadville is now located. During the summer and fall of 1860 he was engaged in mining there, then mined in Montgomery, Colorado until 1862 and from that time until August 1863 he landed in Virginia City Montana and for one year was engaged in the liquor business at that place. In 1864 he made a visit to his old friends in Germany but returned to America the following year, and gain took up his abode in Montana, this time in Helena. Since April 1865 he has been identified with the interests of this city. Mr. Kessler built and is the proprietor of the largest brewing establishment in Montana. He owns and operates the brickyards which have furnished nearly all the brick that have been used in the buildings in Helena. He is also largely interested in Helena real estate and lands in Lewis and Clarke and Cascade counties and has extensive stock interests besides. With the various commercial and fraternal organizations of the city he is prominently connected. Mr. Kessler was married in New York, April 2, 1873 to Louisa Ebert, who died December 18, 1880 leaving three children, two sons and one daughter. Both sons are now efficient help to their father in the management of his extensive business while the other children are attending school. |
Edward Wones Knight,
History of the State of Montana, by Joaquim Miller, 1894 During the early boyhood days of Edward W. Knight his parents resided in Louisville, Kentukcy, where he received his academic education, and where he was for a time employed as bookkeeper in a bank. Later, having inherited from his mother several thousand acres of land in Virginia and Kentucky, the care and disposal of this property led him into a study of law, particularly in land cases. He was for two years engaged in making disposition of this property, and in the meantime he read law under the instructions of Judge Hauser, of Kentucky. After this he continued his studies under a Scotch barrister and banker and became interested in the purchase of a large quantity of school land in Wisconsin. In 1858 he began a regular law course at Louisville, Kentucky, and fater completing it he entered upon the practice of his profession. In 1859 Mr. Knight was married at Falmouth, Kentucky, to Theodosia Hauser, a native of that place and daughter of Hon. Samuel T. Hauser. For a time after their marriage he resided on a farm near the city, and practiced law in that circuit.Later he became interested in the organization of the First National Bank of Helena, and in 1873 he came to Helena to aid in its management. Up to 1876 he served in the capacity of bookkeeper and assistant teller, and from 1876 up to the present time he has filled the position of cashier in the institution. While residing at Flamouth he served two terms as Mayor of the city. Upon his arrival in Montana he at once became identified with her growth and development and has embraced every opportunity offered to that end. While so doing he has acquired a very wide and favorable acquaintance,his reputation extending throughout the whole state. He has the honor of having been the second Mayor of Helena. He has been for many years a member of the Board of Education, and while acting in that capacity has had much to do with shaping the educational affairs of the city, the educational standard and advantages of Helena being equal to any of the Western cities. He helped to organize the first electric light company, of which he was elected president and he also aided in the organization of the Board of Trade. He is now a stockholder in the present electric light and gas company in the city. Politically Mr Knight has affiliated with the Democratic party all his life. He is not, however, an active politician and has never been an office seeker, but was in 1893 one of the Commissioners of Lewis and Clarke County and is chairman of the board. Both he and his wife have long been prominent members of the Presbyterian Church, he having served the church in various official capacities as well as having been for ten or twelve years the efficient Sabbath-school superintendent. He was made a Master Mason about the time he reached his majority and has been an enthusiastic Mason ever since, giving much of his time and attention ot the order. He has advanced in its mysteries until he is now a Knight Templar at the York rite and has attained the thirty-second degree in the Scottish rite. He is Past Eminent Commander of Sir Knight Templars. He is also a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, a member of the Benevolent Order of Elks and the K. of P. Mr. and Mrs. Knight have had eight children, of whom five are living: Edward W., Jr. a graduate of Booneville College, Missouri and now occupying the position of receiving teller in the First National Bank of Helena; T.H., a businessman of Helena; Stella, wife of Herbert Nickerson, a businessman of Helena; Henry W, a student in the Military Academy of Missouri; and Barbara P., a member of the home circle. They occupy one of the most delightful homes in the beautiful city in which they live. |
Edmond Lachapelle,
History of Montana,by Joaquin Miller, 1894 Edmond Lachapelle, as his name indicates, is of French ancestry. His people were early settlers of Canada. His father,Nelson Lachapelle, was born near the city of Montreal, and spent his whole life on the farm on which he was born, this farm having long since become a part of that great city. He lived to be eighty years of age, and his widow still survives, being now in her seventy-seventh year. They had a family of nine children, six of whom are still living, Edmond being the youngest child.Edmond Lachapelle was born at Montreal, October 15, 1840. He remained on the farm with his parents until he reached manhood and for five years was engaged in farming on his own account in Canada. He was married there in 1864 to Miss Mary Chonet, also a native of Canada and of French ancestry. Three children were born to them in Canada-Edmond,Hennick and Harter.Believing that there were better opportunities for a man to attain success in the United States than in his native land, Mr. Lachapelle came to Montana, making the journey alone in order to prospect and see the country before bringing his family hither. He came up the Missouri River, went to Holmes Gulch, near Helena and engaged in placer mining. Here he met with fair success. He and three others in a single day got out no less than $250 in the mines. In 1875 having accumulated a nice little sum, he returned for his family, sold his property in Canada and came back with his wifeand children to Montana, this time making the journey by rail. He continued his mining operations until 1878 when the mines gave out. About this time he met with a good opportunity to invest in a farm which he did, purchasing 160 acres of land, with improvements and stock including cows and horses for the sum of $2800 in cash. To this property he moved and on it he has since been engaged in the dairy business. At present he milks forty-five cows and find a ready market for his milk and cream in Helena, the city being only four miles distant from his ranch. Prosperity has attended his efforts here. He has built a good brick residence on his farm and has from time to time purchased additional farms until he now has 1500 acres in the Flat Creek country on which there are no less than 6,000 sheep. His two eldest sons have charge of the sheep business. Four other sons have been born to them in Montana--Levi, Obert, Docty and Joseph. Their home is within a short distance of the Montana University and the sons are attending this institution. The farm for which he paid $2800 is now worth $10,000, the growth of Helena having largely enhanced the value of property adjacent to the city. |
Adolph LaSalle,
History of Montana, by Joaquin Miller, 1894 Adolph La Salle, of Helena, came to Montana in 1866 and as one of her pioneer settlers is entitled to biographical mention in this work.Mr. LaSalle was born in Canada, near the city of Montreal, September 16, 1844. He is of French descent, his ancestors being among the first settlers in Canada. He is a direct descendant of La Salle, who explored the Ohio and traversed its territory in 1679 and who in 1680, in company with Father Hennepin, explored Minnesota by way of the Mississippi River as far north as St. Anthony's Falls near the present city of Minneapolis. The Mississippi was revisited by LaSalle in 1682, when he explored it to its mouth and took possession of the surrounding tributaries and country in the name of France and gave it the name of Louisiana. In 1685 under t he leadership of LaSalle, the first Frenchsettlement was made in Texas. After seeing the colony in a thriving condition, this explorer retraced his course and sailed up the great river he knew so well, crossed the St. Lawrence into Canada, and settled down in the town of St. Michael D'Yamaska, in the province of Quebec. The older of two sons, Adolph LaSalle was reared on his father's farm and was educated in private schools and in his sixteenth year left home and went to Illinois, where he had an uncle who was engaged in the manufacture of brooms, and by whom he was employed for wages. He was at work for his uncle when the Civil War broke out. In December 1861 he enlisted in Company B, Ninth Illinois Cavalry. He fought under Shermanin the Third Brigade, Sixteenth Army Corps and participated in numerous engagements. Most of the time he served as chief bugler. After his three years' term of enlistment expired, he re-enlisted and remained in the service until the war closed, being mustered out in October 1865.The war over, Mr. LaSalle returned to Henry County Illinois and in March 1866 went to St. Joseph Missouri thence to Nebraska and from there across the plains to Salt Lake City. The company with which he traveled left St. Joseph on the 15th of March and arrived at Salt Lake City on the 3rd of July. On the 4th of July they started for Helena, arriving at their destination on the 17th of the same month and camped on what is now the Lenox addition. After resting a few days, Mr. LaSalle went down in the valley and was employed by Phillip Miller. Later he worked in the Union mine. In May 1867, the Idaho excitement induced him to try his luck in the mines there, and for some time he was engaged inmining on the Salmon River. Not meeting with success, however, he returned to Helena and worked at mining, receiving $4 per day. By saving his money during the summer, he was enabled in the fall to purchase an interest in the lime business, and remained in that until 1869. In the meantime he had purchased in the Prickly Pear Valley, six miles from Helena, a farm of 160 acres. In 1869 he sold his lime business and moved to his farm to the improvement of which he devoted his energies and prosperity attended his earnest efforts. In 1872 he purchased 160 acres of adjoining land. On this tract one of the finest farms in the valley, he has since been engaged in agricultural pursuits, his chief crops being hay, oats and potatoes; he is also engaged in extensive rearing of horses and cattle. His land is supplied with an abundance of water for irrigation and pasture. Mr. LaSalle has also purchased property in the city of Helena and erected a fine brick residence thereon, his time being divided between his home in the valley and his residence in the city. April 29, 1880 Mr. LaSalle was married to Cora Jane Richard, a native of Massachusetts and a daughter of NelsonRichard. They have three children, two of whom, a son and daughter, died at the ages of eight and four, respectively. Mary Francis is the name of their living child. |
Walter Matheson,
History of Montana,by Joaquin Miller, 1894 Walter Matheson, who has been engaged in the real-estate business in Helena, Montana since 1877, and is one of the representative men of the city. He was born in Simcoe, Canada, February 7, 1848, and resided there until he was seventeen years of age, when he removed to Toronto, where he graduated at the military college of that place. Previous to his going to Toronto he had attended the schools of his native town, and upon his removal to that place he began the study of law, and in due time graduated and was admitted to the bar. Then he returned to Simcoe, entered upon the practice of his profession and continued his residence there until the spring of 1872, when he removed to Montana and settled in the Yellowstone valley. He was of the pioneers of that place and helped to found the town of Billings, the county seat of Yellowstone county, of which he was the first Mayor, serving in that capacity two years. He also served as Coroner of Yellowstone county. He was engaged in the real-estate and newspaper business, being at one time interested in the Billings Post and afterward in the Herald. He was also president of the Yellowstone BuildingSociety, resigning that position in 1877 when he removed to Helena. Since coming to Helena he has given his attention to the real-estate business and has also been interested in mining, among other ventures being the development of an extensive placer mine at Emigrant Gulch, on the upper Yellowstone Valley. Fraternally, Mr. Matheson is identified with the A.O.U.W. and the F & A.M. He is also a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Matheson was married in April 1874 to Mary Gillen, of Brantford Canada. They have four daughters, Winifred,Ruth, Catherine and Eleanor. |
Robert L. McCulloh,
History of Montana,by Joaquin Miller, 1894 Robert L. McCulloh, vice-president of the Montana National Bank, Helena, was born in Westmoreland County, PA, September 11, 1845. He is of Scotch-Irish descent, his ancestors having come to America previous to the Revolution,in which they were engaged on the side of American independence and settled in Pennsylvania. In that state several generations of the family were born. His father, Robert McCulloh, married Elizabeth W. Gleim, also a native of Pennsylvania. Both were members of the Presbyterian Church, and they and their family were people of prominence in the community in which they lived. They had four children. Robert McCuloh died when in his forty-third year. His good wife lived to be seventy-six. Robert L. McCulloh was educated in the public schools of St. Louis, to which place the family had moved when he was eight years old. When he was twenty-one he left St. Louis, where he had been employed since his twelfth year and found employment in a country store in the central part of the state. In 1870 he came to Montana and settled in Helena, where he was employed by the Diamond R Freight Line, E.G. Maclay and Company, proprietors. Colonel Broadwater was a member of the firm and largely interested in the business and he and Mr. McCulloh were warm friends. In 1879 Mr. McCulloh went to Ft. Assinboine, where Colonel Broadwater was post trader and became identified with the business. In 1882 the Colonel retired from his position at the Fort and Mr. McCulloh was appointed post trader; and remained there as a member of the firm of Broadwater, McCulloh and Company until 1891, doing a large and lucrative business. He then returned to Helena and was soon after elected cashier of the Montana National Bank,which position he filled until January 1893 when he was elected to his present office, that of vice-president of the bank. In his will Colonel Broadwater named Mr. McCulloh as executor of his estate, in connection with Mr. Murphy,who declined to serve and Mr. McCulloh has performed the duties of that important trust. He is also one of thetrustees of the Montana Savings Bank. In 1873 he was married to Elizabeth H. Blanchard, a native of Utah, and a daughter of John R. Blanchard. Theironly surviving son, Carroll B., is now attending school at Faribault, Minnesota. |
William M. McKendrick,
History of Montana,by Joaquin Miller, 1894 William M. McKendrick, the pioneer dry-goods merchant of Marysville, was born in New Brunswick, Canada, July 25, 1850.His father came to America from Aberdeen Scotland, when a young man locating in New Brunswick. He married Miss Elizabeth Collins, a native of that place and both still reside in that country.William McKendrick, the fourth in a family of ten children, was early inured to mercantile life in his father'sstore. In 1885 he came to Marysville, and immediately opened a store in a building 20 x 30 feet, with a stock of goods amounting to %1500. His business proved a success from the beginning and he now occupies a double brickstore, with a $25,000 stock of dry goods, notions, clothing, boots and shoes. His store is located on the corner of First and Main Streets. The dry-goods department is 36 x 50 feet and the boot and shoe department is 18 x 50 feet.The stock is large and well kept and by honorable and liberal dealings Mr. McKendrick has secured a large trade and the reputation of being the leading merchant of the town. He is also interested in mining claims on Cruise Hill,near the great Drum Lumon mine which has yielded $16,000,000 to the wealth of the world. As his claims are a continuation of this great mine it is reasonable to expect large returns when they are developed.Mr. McKendrick was married August 24, 1886 to Miss J.F. Rawson, a native of Homersville, New York. Our subjecthas built a good residence in Marysville, also owns his store building and takes a deep interest in the welfare of the town. |
Michael A. Meyendorff, History of Montana,by Joaquin Miller, 1894 Michael A. Meyendorff, recently the melter at the U.S. Assay Office, Helena, and now City Engineering of this city,came to Montana in 1871.He was born in Poland, December 3, 1849 and is the son of Baron Meyendorff, a Polish nobleman. His early training was at the government school at Minsk, the capital of the Russian State of that name. When Poland made her last attempt to gain independence, the Meyendorff family were among those who took up arms against Russia and with three elder brothers the subject of our sketch went forth in the war which ended so disastrously to the side they championed.With others he was arrested and imprisoned and upon trial sentenced to banishment in Siberia. The time occupied by imprisonment and in the journey to Siberia was sixteen months, and eighteen months were spent in exile. He was liberated during the close of the Lincoln administration, through the intercession of the United States Governmentand came at once to America.Six months after his arrival in this country he entered the Michigan University, and in 1870 graduated in thatinstitution as a civil engineer. In 1871 he came west, and during the summer of that and the following year he wasin the employ of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company as a surveyor. In 1875 he went to Washington and was in the employ of the Interior Department. Through the influence of Hon. James G. Blaine, he came to Helena as superintendent of construction of the U.S. Assay Office and President Grant the next year appointed him melter, a position which he held, serving under both Republican and Democratic administrations, until September 1893 when he was removed by President Cleveland. The spring city election being carried by the Republican Party, Mr. Meyendorff was appointed City Engineer May 1, 1894, which he still holds. |
Peter Miller, History of Montana, Sanders, 1913 Peter Miller was born on the twenty-second day of December 1860 at Oberamerstadt, a suburb of Darmstadt, Germany. Johannes Conrad Miller, his father was a German farmer, himself born nin Oberamerstadt. He was an enthusiastic member of the Liberal party in the Fatherland and fought under Hecker and Struve in the unfortunate revolution of '48; fought for a German parliament, freedom of press, trial by jury and the formation of a popular militia. Government and historians of Germany have tried to draw a veil across this chapter of life of the nation. Possibly the bloodshed might have been averted, but the fact remains that such men as Conrad Miller risked their lives for the principles that have since triumphed in their land and the struggle forms a landmark, a dividing point between the ancient and the modern political life of Germany. After the adjustment following the war, Mr. Miller settled down to till the soil of his beloved province. He won for his helpmate Christina Geijer, a native of Murdrick, Germany. She passed away in Darmstadt, in July of 1911 at the home of her oldest son, Johannes, in her seventy-eighth year. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were theparents of four children, one daughter, Margaret, a son, Johannes, named for his father, Peter, the subject of this sketch and Phillip who still resides in his boyhood home. Peter Miller received his early education in the schools of Germany under teachers who make the imparting of knowledge their real life work. At nineteen he immigrated to the United States with an education that most of our college men might well envy. He was thoroughly grounded in the common branches, spoke fluently several languages and was a specialist in botany and horticulture. This latter line of study he had diligently pursued during his vacations from general schoolwork. In the spring of 1880 he landed in New York, his expert knowledge of plant life making his services valuable in any land. After one year on that city he moved to Pittsburgh, where for three years he devoted himself to the floral business. Having heard much of the great opportunities of the west and knowing that the vast extent of tillable land would be more to his own liking, he left Pittsburgh for North Dakota. In 1886, after only a few months, he pushed on to Helena where he accepted employment in the firm of Miller and Rondy, florists. For only a year was he employed in this capacity before he began purchasing the business for himself. The property was run down and the hot houses neglected and in general need of repair. Not a day during his stay but that he saw where there was a leakage of time of money. Almost from the time of his purchase, his labor began to bring him a small return--small at first but rapidly increasing until now the old hot houses have been replaced with six splendid new ones of the largest size; the grounds are in perfect condition and the equipment of the most modern. Mr. Miller now has the distinction of being the oldest established and one of the best known florists in Montana. Four years after becoming his own master, Mr. Miller won for his wife Miss Emeline Drake, a young woman who was born in the Adirondacks of New York State. They were married on the twenty-fifth of June 1891, but only for twelve short years was she permitted to be the mother of the home. In the summer of 1903 she was attacked by a fatal illness, her life passing out with the summer. She left six little children, the oldest of whom, a son, Arthur was not yet five years of age. Bessie, the third daughter and Sarah, the baby have followed their mother. Arthur is now in his young manhood while Ruth and Hattie have completed public school education and Henry is attending the schools of Helena. |
William T. Murphy John T. Murphy, is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred in Platte County, February 26, 1842. William S. Murphy, the father of John T, was a native of the state of Pennsylvania, and they became the parentsof two children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the first born. John T. Murphy was reared to farm life in Missouri and received his education there. In 1859 when seventeen years of age, he started out in life on his own responsibility, coming as far west as Colorado, and there securing employment as a clerk. In 1860 he went to Nevada City, Colorado and engaged in business on his own account. He conducted a general merchandise business there for a year and a half. Then he sold out and engaged in the wagon transfer business. In 1864 he came to Virginia City, Montana with a wagon train of merchandise and after selling out he returned to Nebraska City Nebraska. The following spring he loaded a wagon train with merchandise, also shipped goods by steamer on the Missouri River, and brought all to Helena where he opened a store July 1, 1865.His stock brought good prices in gold dust and he did a prosperous and remunerative business. As his trade and capital increased he established several branch stores and conducted a successful mercantile business until the fall of 18980 when he disposed of his business in Helena. He is still, however interested in merchandising at Great Falls. He had not been long in Helena until he discovered that there was money to be made in the stock business, and he has all these years been more or less interested in raising sheep and cattle. In 1890 he became one of the organizers of the Helena National Bank and was elected its president. He was also one of the organizersof the Montana Savings Bank and one of its directors. After the death of Col. C.A. Broadwater, president of theMontana National Bank, the directors looked about for a suitable financier to succeed him and after much thoughtand the due exercise of judgement in the matter, John T. Murphy was selected as the man best adapted for the important position. He therefore resigned the presidency of the Helena National Bank and entered upon the duties of the presidency of this great financial institution for which by large experience it is conceded he is so admirably fitted. In 1871 Mr. Murphy marred Elizabeth T. Morton, a native of Clay County Missouri and the daughter of William Morton. They have four children, all natives of Montana, their names being William M, Francis D, Addie M. and John T. Jr. They reside in Helena. |
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