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Henry Mueller is dead. The end came at the home, 325 South Washington street, yesterday morning at 11:20. All of the members of the family were present, as well as a few intimate friends. For a number of days Mr. Mueller had been lingering in the shadow land, on the verge of dissolution. Days ago the attendant physicians gave up hope of pulling him through the crisis; still they had hoped that they could prolong his life for a few days longer, but the hope was a futile one. All through Sunday night anxious watchers were at his bedside, taking note of every incident and praying that the end would be delayed for a little while. In the gray of the morning the change for the worst came and the pallor of death began to gather on his face. For a while longer he lingered, breathing regularly, but each breath harder until finally the end came amid the sobs of the relatives who were by his bedside. A Good Citizen
Henry Mueller was
one of Butte’s best citizens and all of Montana might well proclaim
him the same. He had a
diversity of interests and there are many cities in the state in which
he was interested. Since his
first arrival in Butte, in 1885, he had taken an active interest in the
welfare of the city and in all Montana as well. During his first years
in town he was a bookkeeper for Schmidt & Gamer, the founders of the
Centennial brewery, and after a while he purchased the Gamer interests
and became the moving factor in the greatness to which the brewery has
grown in recent years. Now it is one of the greatest plants in the
Northwest—the biggest in Montana—and it has many branches in other
parts of the state, which were all conducted from the parent house in
Butte, under Mr. Mueller’s guidance.
Mr. Mueller always
took an active interest in the welfare of the city. He served as mayor
of Butte between 1891 and 1895 and made one of the most efficient chief
magistrates the city has ever had. Some years later he was prevailed
upon to accept the nomination of the republican and the democratic
parties for mayor, but the antitrust movement made such a strong fight
that he was defeated by a small majority. Mr. Mueller served also as
chairman of the board of school trustees, efficiently; was a member of
the city council and at one time was a candidate for the state senate as
a nominee of the democratic party of Silver Bow County. General Breaking Down
Mr. Mueller’s
death was occasioned by a general breaking down of the system. He was
three times stricken by paralysis and in addition suffered from kidney,
stomach and liver troubles. For a considerable time during the past few
years he was traveling in search of health and he spent many days in
health resorts and hot springs in the hope that his health could be
coaxed back. Finally he recovered to a considerable extent and returned
to Butte, resuming the cares of business as far as he was able to do so.
But this false security passed away and for weeks he knew that the end
was not so very far away. Still he was always cheerful, always looking
on the brighter side of things and he was always an optimist, thinking
that conditions would someday be brighter, and he never at any time lost
his faith in humanity or his God. He was a man of lovable character, a
friend to the poor and those who had a grievance. Never would he turn a
deaf ear to any appeal made to him and his private charities were
countless. All the city loved him and there is sincere sorrow
of his family who survive him are his wife, his mother, three sons,
Arthur, Walter and Harry; two daughters, Mrs. Florence West and Mrs.
Eugenie Rochester; five brothers—Matthew and Joseph Mueller of
Menasha, Wis.; William Mueller of Billings, Paul Mueller of Vancouver,
B.C., and Andrew Mueller of Butte; and one sister, Mrs. Phil Gardiner of
Menasha, Wis.
The elder Mrs.
Mueller, who is 81 old, arrived in Butte from Menasha last Saturday,
accompanied by her son Joseph. Mr. Mueller’s father died in the
80’s. Biographical Sketch
Joaquin Miller’s
history of Montana published in 1894, has the following biographical
sketch of Mr. Mueller.
“Henry Mueller,
ex-mayor of Butte, and one of its most energetic business men, was a
native of Germany, being born April 23, 1851, in the city of Cologne,
Prussia. |
Arrival in Montana
“In the year 1885
he sold out his interests in the commission business and came to
Montana, where he entered into the employ of Schmidt & Gamer, owners
of the Centennial Brewery in Butte, as a bookkeeper. After acting in
this capacity for two years he purchased the interests of Daniel Gamer
in the business and the new firm was then incorporated under the name of
the Centennial Brewing company, whose business under the present
management assumed large proportions, necessitating the erection of a
large plant, placing the Centennial Brewing company in the lead of all
of its competitors in the state. In addition to the business Mr. Mueller
is also to some extent interested in mines and mining, as most western
men are. He is a thorough business man of broad views, liberal
personality and public spirited, taking a great interest in all
questions of a public nature and the welfare of his city, county and
“Mr. Mueller is an
enthusiastic believer in the principles of democracy. While residing in
Wisconsin he filled the position of town clerk, chairman of his town and
also chairman of the county board of supervisors; and while here in
Butte he has been chosen by his fellow citizens as a member of the city
council, in which position he served two years, from 1889 to 1891, when
he was elected mayor of the city, in which capacity he did credit to
himself as a municipal executive; and he is at this writing the
democratic nominee for state senator, having received the nomination by
acclamation. National Guard Officer
“When the National
Guard of Montana was in process of organization he took a lively
interest in its formation; and when Company F of the First regiment at
Butte was being organized he joined as a private in its ranks, and such
was the interest which he manifested in the company that in 1889 they
elected him captain, which office he still retains. He is now the senior
captain of the First regiment and takes great pride in the fact, being
in line for the majorate. He is also a member of different lodges, such
as the A.O.U.W, the Select Knights of the A.O.U.W., the National Union
and the Royal Arcanum.
“Captain Mueller
has five children, three boys and two girls, and he takes great pride in
his family. “Being a business man of push and enterprise he never does things by halves; what he thinks is worth doing at all, he does with all of his might, and of course is very popular and has hosts of friends in the state.” Difficult Problem
During the time Mr.
Mueller was mayor of Butte he had many difficult problem to face, for
there were many matters unsettled and there were strenuous conditions to
face occasionally. One of the most important of these was during the
90’s, when the question of the smoke which filled the streets from the
heap roasting in vogue at that time among the smelters of Butte, was up
for hearing and was a burning issue of the day with many people. At that
time the smoke hung like a pall over the business section of Butte for
days at a time and there was great dissatisfaction among the resident of
town. People could not see half way across the streets and the smoke was
stifling. There were rumors and threats that the smelters would be blown
up and for a while it looked dangerous for peace and order, but Mayor
Mueller took a firm stand in the matter and the only one that could have
been taken under these circumstances. He stationed himself at the head
of 100 men, all representative citizens, and they went to the offending
smelters with pick and shovel and covered up the “stink heaps” so
that they were no longer a menace to health. Then legislation was
adopted prohibiting outside roasting and the smoke was no longer a
menace to the county and the city. Regret His Death
There were many
citizens, who, when told of the death of Mr. Mueller yesterday,
eulogized him in unstinted terms.
Mr. Mueller’s most
recent trip in search of better health was to Southern California and on
his return he was caught in the washouts and compelled to go a long
distance out of his way in order to reach Butte. However, he met a
number of Butte men while on the train and they all helped to make the
tedious journey as pleasant as possible and robbed it of many of its
Mr. Mueller was a
member of the Butte Lodge of Elks, the Sons of Hermann and an honorary
member of the Kreitzverein.
It has been decided
that the funeral services will be held Thursday morning at 9:30
o’clock, at the home, the body being taken to St. Patrick’s church,
where a high mass of requiem will be celebrated. All of the lodges in
which Mr. Mueller had membership will assist in the services. Friends
are requested to omit flowers. |