Yellowstone Riverboat History
[Extracted “in-part” from the Daily Herald Records, and
John G. MacDonald: “History of Navigation on the Yellowstone”,
Master Thesis, MSU 1950; and excerpts from the research books noted in the text
Revised Thursday, May 31, 2012
The era of river navigation began in 1836, when a
new riverboat Yellowstone made its way up the Missouri
to the mouth of the Yellowstone
. Earlier however, in 1831, Pierre Chouteau of St.
Louis had a small flat bottom steamboat also named YELLOWSTONE and he brought a cargo of goods up the river
. This trip revolutionized the Missouri river
fur trade by their being able to make the trip in a few weeks, which formerly
took a whole season. Next was apparently Major Taylor, who came to St. Louis to work on the Mississippi steamboats. He became a
riverboat captain and was master of the steamer "Clairmont" which he
piloted into the Yellowstone
River in 1845 on a
trading expedition for Pierre Chouteau’s American Fur Company. Serious
navigation on the Yellowstone River began in 1873
, and from that time until the NPR (Northern Pacific Railroad) passed
through Billings, traffic was quite heavy In 1883 the NPR made a special deal
for freight hauling that virtually eliminated all steamboat trade. The boats
started out carrying supplies for the pioneers, and taking buffalo hides back.
This changed to carrying supplies for the military, then for the railroad. Many
of these boats were short lived, and their origins or travels haven’t been
fully recorded. In reality they are flat-bottomed wooden packet boats, but are
referred to as “steamers.” Most were
stern-wheelers, but a few were side-wheelers. Steamers Mary McDonald and the Sioux City were reported
in early Billings Gazette articles, but dates and locations of travel not
established. Some of the boats had collapsing smoke stacks; some had smoke
stacks that could be laid down to pass under bridges. Some of the greatest
research endeavors into the operation of steamboats were created by:
“Days of the
Steamboats”, William H. Evans, Parents Magazine 1967.
“Wild River,
Wooden Boats”, Michael Gillespie: Undated, Heritage Press.
“Old West
River Boaters”, Charles
L. Convis. (IBSN 1-892156-09-1), Undated
4) “Steamboating on the Upper Missouri River”,
William E. Lass. University
of Nebraska Press.
5) A Brief History of Steamboating on the Missouri River
with an emphasis on the Boonslick Area, by Robert L. Dwyer
These first-hand
research books tell virtually all you would ever want to know. The extraction
below comes from these and other first-hand witnesses. Of interest, is the huge
amount of wood needed to propel these boats upstream; 1-2 cords per river mile.
The authors are to be commended for their diligence and research expertise in
preparing their books.
for travel on the Yellowstone
The first boat reportedly on the Missouri was the Constitution
in October. Tickets were sold for an excursion trip from St. Louis to Bellefontaine, eight miles
distant. (Site visitor to Dyer’s homepage reported the information, obtained
from the Missouri Gazette of October 4, 1817.)
The government initiated an effort to use riverboats to
carry expedition parties (mainly the Corps of Engineers or various Military
commands) into the area frequented by the Sioux, this being the Upper Missouri
River & the Yellowstone River the Independence[i],
commissioned by Elias Rector, was second.

The first steamship constructed specifically for river
travel was the Western Engineer. It
was the third boat to ascend the Missouri.
“To scare the Indians and to keep them from causing trouble, the Western
Engineer was made to look as if she were riding on the back of a sea monster[ii].”
At the bow was a huge snake’s head, with an open – red mouth. Exhaust steam
from the engines hissed out of the mouth, giving the appearance of a real
monster that was breathing fire. It did actually frighten the Sioux, who had
never even seen a normal riverboat. It had a bullet-proof pilot house.This boat
also traveled up the Missouri
for a distance of about 200 miles, but it set the stage for future
developments. On June 9, 1819 the vessel left St. Louis, along with a large group of
smaller boats carrying military supplies. Two weeks after the Independence
returned to St. Louis, a scientific expedition
led by Col. Henry Atkinson & Major Stephen Long, started up the Missouri River in four[iii] steamboats
and nine keelboats.
James Johnson, having strong
political supporters, got the military contract without bidding, and with no
regard of cost to build five steamers (in addition to the Western Engineer) to
support the military’s first Yellowstone Expedition. [The Yellowstone Expedition term would be
used over and over for virtually each of the treks into Montana, causing much error in future
reporting of events.] The ships he had constructed were not designed for
the rigors imposed by the Missouri, let alone
the Yellowstone. These boats were the Thomas
Jefferson, Expedition, R.M. Johnson, J.C. Calhoun and Exchange. This
military expedition’s primary purpose was to establish an American presence at
the mouth of the Yellowstone Rive to discourage the British in the area. Since
the boats only made it as far as Council
Bluffs, a fort was established there. The boats
transported 1,100 escort troops and supplies under the command of Col.
Atkinson. Major Long headed up the scientific team aboard the Western Engineer.
William D. Hubbell was hired on
as a clerk on the R. M. Johnson. Years later he recounted the adventure[iv].

The Western Engineer accompanied the other boats,
but was far in advance, and had to wait for them to catch up. It arrived alone
at Ft. Osage
on August 1st, then passed the future site of Ft.
Leavenworth on the 18th,
and stayed a week at Fort Lisa (five miles below Council Bluffs.) The others were 470 miles
downstream. It was decided to winter here and await the others. A year later
four of the boats reached Council Bluffs, where
the expedition ended far short of its goal to ascend the Yellowstone.
Congress terminated all funding.
The only reported boats on the Missouri were the Missouri
Packet and the Expedition. The Missouri Packet arrived at Franklin on May 5th, and on the return trip it
hit a snag and sunk not far from Franklin.
Both boats carried supplies for the troops at Cantonment Missouri.
Kenneth McKinzie established the
American Fur Company in the remote regions of the Upper Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers starting in 1827. He decided to
cut operating costs for these outlying posts by building a steamboat to service
them. He approached Pierre Choteau, Jr., agent in St. Louis with the idea. After some
persuasion, Pierre presented the proposal to the
New York
office in August 1830. A contractor in Louisville
was hired to build the little boat. It was 130 feet long, and had a beam of
19-feet, with a 6-foot hold. It drew 6-feet of water when loaded, and was
patterned after the Mississippi
boats, which required a substantial amount of water to travel, rather than the
shallow draft that was needed on the western waters. It was delivered to St. Louis on April 10, 1831, in time for it to make its
maiden voyage to Fort
Union. Pierre Chouteau was
passenger on this trip. Commanded by Captain B. Young, it left St.
Louis on 20 April and all went well until the end of May when it
reached the confluence of the Niobrara. Low
water prevented any further progress. Pierre
called for help to unload the supplies and carry them upriver by land. Under a
lighter load the Yellowstone continued upriver to Fort Tecumseh.
On June 19th it could go no further, and returned to St. Louis on July 15th,
carrying a load of buffalo robes, furs and 10,000 pounds of buffalo tongues.
This trip revolutionized the Missouri river
fur trade by their being able to make the trip in a few weeks, which formerly
took a whole season, although it had problems.
The Yellowstone made its
second trip up the Missouri, traveling 1,800
miles to Fort Union without difficulty, arriving June
17th. This boat showed that the river could be tamed, and the era of
Steamboating on the western rivers was to begin in earnest. The flow of fur
trade was such that there was no need to travel beyond Fort Union.
The El
Paso, commanded by Captain John Duroc, in an interest to get
fame, traveled just past the mouth of the Milk River.
They named this point on the Missouri “El Paso.”
The military units stationed in
the west started to use riverboats as a means to transport goods and personnel.
The government representative generally contracted for a boat on a day-to-day
basis, which was very costly. This method was used almost exclusively until
1866 when they issued contracts for service on a yearly basis. Under this
method they paid a fee based on destination, type of goods and personnel to be
carried. The Chippewa and Key West
were reported to be the first riverboats to reach Fort
Benton, on the Missouri
During the winter months,
General Pope conceived of a new plan for his operations in the Indian country
along the Missouri River, and assigned General
Sully the task. For this he planned to constructed four new posts to be located
at: Devil’s Lake, James River, Long Lake outlet, and one on the Yellowstone near Fort Alexander.
The last three were to be placed on the emigrant routes leading to the gold mines
in Montana.
Red tape prevented General Sully from getting started as planned.
General Sully mustered about 2,200 men, two batteries
(e.g., 12 artillery pieces), 300 teams and 300 beef steers. The men and
equipment marched west by land while steamers carried the supplies. At Farm Island
the Dakota Militia joined his forces. Moving from there to the outlet of Long Lake,
he established Fort Rice on the west bank of the Missouri
(about 8-miles above the outlet of the Cannonball River.)
Seven boats were used to carry supplies to Fort Rice.
The quartermaster misdirected 1,000 tons of supplies to Farm Island,
where they were dumped, and causing great delay in recovery of the supplies.
Steamer Alone and Chippewa Falls [drawing 12” water] each
carrying about fifty tons of freight; and a little corn for the animals arrived
at the mouth of the Big Horn River to meet General Sully’s Command. By the time
General Sully was ready to depart Fort
Rice he had over 4,000
soldiers under his command. The steamer
Island City was the third boat in this group,
carrying aboard nearly all of the command’s much needed corn, struck a snag
near Fort Union and sank. This shortage of Corn
prevented General Sully from proceeding west of the Yellowstone.
The remaining steamers attempted to go upstream from the Big Horn, but a rapid
shoal rendered it impossible
. The two remaining steamers
then went downstream carrying Sully’s supplies, until the water became too low.
The supplies were off-loaded and transported by the command. At the outlet of
the Yellowstone General Sully selected the site for Fort Buford.
(Constructed in 1866 when supplies were made available.)
By 1867 steamboat traffic had been established between St.
Louis and Fort
Benton. By 1881 there
were 25 to 30 steamers plying the Missouri River with headquarters at Bismarck and Fort
Benton. In 1877 exports
worth $1,270,600 were carried out and in 1881 imports of $5,214,000 were
carried in. Steamers declined after the advent of the railroad in 1887. The
"Amelia Poe", a sternwheeler, hit a snag south of Frazer and sunk on
May 28, 1868. The "Big Horn" a like fate 4 miles west ' of Poplar on
May 8, 1883. Indians found cutting wood for the steamers profitable. The
Steamer "Chippewa" burned and exploded on the south side of the
Missouri River a few miles below Poplar
River on June 22, 1861.[v]
Steamer Alone, with Captain RB Bailey & Cutler;
and then again with Captain Abe Hutchison, went upstream on the Yellowstone
about 45 miles to a place called Crane’s Ranch; to locate General Sully’s
command so they could deliver the army’s supplies.
No Record.
1873 – Start of Serious
Steamboat Operation 
Three major companies were vied for fur trade and commerce on the Upper
Missouri Area[vi].
Missouri River Transportation Company based at
Yankton (15 boats)
Northwest Transportation Company (7 boats)
Kountz Line (4 boats)
In August William J. Kountz who had worked with Sanford B. Coulson
earlier, announced that he would no longer be associated with the Coulson Line
(Missouri River Transportation Company), and would now operate exclusively with
NPR. Thus he formed the Northern Pacific Railroad Line [steamboat line]
stationed at Bismarck.
The military eventually realized the importance of having steamboats to carry
supplies and troops. Thus the era of ‘Steamboating’ started to flourish.
Steamer Key West, commanded by General George A Forsythe (Major &
Brevet General, Aide to General Sherman), commandeered
the Coulson riverboat at Fort
Lincoln along with Grant
Marsh as Captain; and his crew. The Army thought the area was probably filled
with hostile Sioux warriors and General Forsythe was assigned a mission to
ascend the Yellowstone River to examine the channel and the countryside as
far as the Powder River. Boat officers were:
Marsh (pilot and captain)
Beusen (pilot and clerk)
Dietz (mate)
Sacklett (first engineer)
There was no available military support at Fort Lincoln, so General
Forsythe made arrangements to pick up soldiers from Fort Buford (Colonel WB
commanded five companies in his regiment stationed at Fort Buford)
He also hired two French-Indian guides who claimed to know the upper Missouri
River very well. After a short time it was apparent that these guides were
lost, and of no value. Captain Marsh then recommended that they see if
Yellowstone Kelly (age 23) would be at Wood Chopper’s Point, and ask for his
services, which he accepted
. There was no room for his horse on this trip, so he only brought his
pack and rifle aboard. The accommodations were cramped (only 31 staterooms
available at the time) and after picking up soldiers at Fort Buford,
Kelly had to seek out a better place to bed down. During the trek General
Forsythe made detailed sketches of the river’s course and terrain.
At Fort Buford they stopped and picked up two
companies of the 6th Infantry under Captains M. Bryant and D. H. Murdock.
Departing Fort Buford
they entered the Yellowstone
River. After 125 miles
they reached Glendive Creek, and General Forsythe thought this would be the
place where the NPR would eventually cross the Yellowstone.
Accordingly he examined the area and established a suitable place where a
supply depot could be constructed, disposing of the bulk of his military
supplies to be used later by the Infantry approaching overland by foot. The
supplies were arranged such that it formed a sort of barricade. On the seventh
day of travel they arrived within two miles of the Powder
River, stopping there on May 6th. Further journey was not possible
due to low water and a large expanse of rocks blocking their path. Later in the
season it was evident that they could traverse further upstream. This
demonstrated to the Army that the river was navigable for at least 245 miles.
During this journey, the first on the river for Captain Marsh, he [reportedly]
kept a logbook of the journey, as was apparently custom for first-time treks
into new waters. He and his pilot, Captain Beusen (listed as both Clerk and
Pilot; and the first person to receive a license for piloting on the Yellowstone) recorded the river conditions, driftwood
availability, channels, chutes, and named many of the visible mountain &
local area terrain elements. All notable objects were named, excepting those
identified earlier by William Clark in 1806. Some notable ones were:
Butte (First prominent Bluff on east bank of the Yellowstone just below its
confluence with the Missouri
named in honor of General Forsythe)
Nose Butte, Chimney Rock and Diamond Island
were named because of their shapes.
few miles above Diamond Island there were seven small islands; Captain Marsh
named them: Seven
Sisters Islands
(in remembrance of his seven sisters.)
Island was named for General TL Crittenden, Commander of the 17th
Infantry garrisoned at several posts along the Missouri.
Island was attributed to the chambermaid of the Key West, and wife of ship
steward “Dutch Jake.”
Island was named for Major M Reno, of the 7th Cavalry.
Schindel Island was named for Captain Schindel of
the 6th Infantry.
Buttes were named for Major M Bryant, Commanding Escort for the Key West.
Edgerly Island was named for Lt WS Edgerly of
the 7th Cavalry.
Island was named for Monroe Marsh, Captain Marsh’s brother.
Rapids was named for Issac D DeRussy, later a Colonel of the 14th
Rapids was named for one of Captain Marsh’s friend in St Loui.s
Bluff was also named for another of Captain Marsh’s friends.
Stanley’s Point (located just before the Powder
River) was named for Colonel Stanley, a member of the 22nd
Sheridan’s Bluffs (located across the river from the mouth
of the Powder River and now called “Sheridan Butte”) was named for Lt-General Sheridan.
Accompanying the army on the trip was Dan Scott, correspondent for the
Sioux City Journal plus the following Army officers stationed at Fort Buford:
2nd Lt RT Jacobs, Jr., 2nd Lt George B Walker,
Captain DH Murdock,
2nd Lt Josiah Chance, 2nd Lt Thomas G Townsend,
Captain M Bryant (Brevet Major), Captain ER Ames, and 1st Lt Fred W
that 2nd Lt Townsend would play a very important role in future
trips up the Yellowstone, and he is the one
who supplied the current military map for the area. This map is believed
to be the one created by Capt Reynolds etal when they surveyed the vast Indian
regions in 1859 & 1860. [Published in 1867 and very accurately places the Yellowstone River & tributaries with the earth’s
coordinates.] Also accompanying the troops was Captain Ludlow of the Corps of
Capt. Marsh returned to the Missouri River
in just 9 days after leaving the area. During the upstream journey, Yellowstone
Kelly would walk ahead of the riverboat, and check out the area for signs of
Indians and game, and generally be waiting for the boat with a supply of meat
for all to enjoy. He reported that typically he left the military campsites
about 1 am, and bedded down a long distant from the boat and crew so that he
could hear sounds of game. He would rise early and hunt for food, being very
cautions not to run into any Indians. Elk were so numerous along the river it
became quite obvious to him why the Indians called it “Elk
River.” No Indians, however, were noted during this trip. The
following pilot license was found in the Grant Marsh files:
(North Dakota Historical Society 16 mm mf-Grant
Marsh file, apparently a gag, as no Indians were seen)
To whom it may concern:
is to certify that Captain Grant Marsh has given satisfactory evidence to me
–General Inspector – of his capabilities to navigate the waters of the Yellowstone river and is hereby duly licensed to run,
buck and warp up the river to his heart’s content.
Sitting Bull _____x (mark)
Inspector General of the Yellowstone, and Chief Scalp Lifter of the Hostiles.
14, 1873
In June three Steamers, Peninah, Key West, and Far West,
loaded supplies at Bismarck for the army troops who had left earlier from Fort
Rice, and were traveling cross-country under the command of General Stanley.
- Captain Abner Shaw
Key West - Captain Grant
Far West - Captain Mart Coulson
“Earlier in May, 1873, (See Above) the third expedition to the
Yellowstone was organized at Fort
Rice and commanded by
General Stanley
. The composition was: Troops A, B, C, E, F, G, H, K, L, M, 7th
; Companies C, 6th; B, C, F, H, 8th; A, D, E, F, H, I, 9th; A, B, H,
17th; Headquarters and B, E, H, I, K, 22d Infantry, and a detachment of
Arikaree Indian scouts. This expedition, accompanied by a large wagon train
loaded with supplies left Fort Rice, June 20th, arriving at a point to cross
the Yellowstone, about fifteen miles above where the town of Glendive is now
located, on July 31st.
The Key
West had previously been ordered to first go to
Yankton and pick up passengers, and then join the other two boats.
General Custer ordered Captain Marsh to take on board most of the
women and children of the regiment, as well as the personal baggage of the
officers. Custer’s command would be mainly marching along the west bank of the Missouri on the upland
prairies where the trails were smoother. The voyage and command march lasted
several weeks. During the journey the boat docked near where the soldiers were
camping whenever possible. They arrived at Bismarck on June 20th, and the
three boats started their journey upstream.
After reaching the Yellowstone
River the survey party
and the accompanying large military escort proceeded south along the east bank
of the river as far as Pompey's Pillar, but not without opposition from the
Indians, who evidently had concluded that the surveying had gone far enough. On
August 4th, just opposite to where Fort
Keogh was built, they
attacked the advance guard, killing the veterinary surgeon, sutler and one
soldier of the 7th Cavalry. The
cavalry’s regiment pursued the “savages” for several miles, killing a number of
them. On August 11th, the cavalry, camped opposite the mouth of the Big Horn
River, again encountered
the Indians and a desperate fight ensued with loss of life on both sides.
Lieut. Charles Braden, 7th Cavalry, was severely wounded. Lieut. H. H. Ketchum,
adjutant 22d Infantry and adjutant-general of the expedition, who was
temporarily with General Custer then commanding the 7th Cavalry, had his horse
shot under him. Upon the approach of the infantry the Indians abandoned the
field. That night the battalion of the 22d occupied the advance posts and
exchanged shots with the Indians, who tried to approach the camp, probably to
stampede the horses, mules and cattle herd. During the afternoon of that day
the artillery detachment, which was composed of men of the 22d and commanded by
Lieutenant Webster, was obliged to shell the timber along the bank of the Yellowstone to dislodge a large body of Indians, who were
evidently preparing to impede the next day's march. They were dispersed and
seen again only in small parties, one of which fired into the camp at Pompey's
Pillar and then beat a hasty retreat, having done no damage. From Pompey's Pillar
the expedition marched north to the Musselshell
River, thence westward to the Great
Porcupine, following it until the Yellowstone
was again reached. This was a new and unexplored country and it was a very
difficult thing to take a large command and wagon train through it. There was a
great deal of hardship, especially from frequently having to drink alkaline
water and sometimes having no water at all. The command marched into Fort Lincoln,
arriving there September 22d; thence the companies proceeded to their
respective stations. They had marched during the expedition over twelve hundred
miles and returned in excellent physical condition.”
Each boat, carrying advance supplies for the military and surveyors,
dropped them off at the Glendive Creek depot, created earlier in May by General
Forsythe, and two immediately returned; the Key West stopped at Fort
Buford to pick up a company from the 6th Infantry under Captain
Hawkins, who remained on the boat for the duration of the campaign. At Glendive
the Key West
remained to ferry various personnel assigned to support the surveying efforts
of the NPR and other duties, and the soldiers started to erect a stockade at
the supply station. Part of General Custer’s 7th Cavalry was the
first contingent to arrive at the depot, some 12 days later. The commands as
they arrived were ferried across the Yellowstone, to a point about 15-20 miles
upstream named “Stanley’s
Stockade.” Heavy rains hampered the support command’s main column and they took
41 days to complete the march (July 31st). During this march,
General Custer had several invited guests, including R. Graham Frost (St Louis,
and son of Confederate General DM Frost), Lord Clifford and another English
Nobleman. The NPR engineer in charge of the survey group was General TL Rosser,
Custer’s roommate at West Point, who had
previously joined the Confederate Army, and had fought against Custer’s command.
(Photo insert from Parmly Library – Scrapbook Files)
Key West
continued for several days to ferry men and supplies from Glendive to the
temporary fort at Stanley’s Stockade until all were transferred. Captain
Marsh then took the group of surveyors fifty miles upstream, where they
surveyed that section of the valley west of Powder River (approximately 2-1/2
miles from the Baker’s Battlefield site – where in 1872 the survey was
suspended). All of these surveys took place on the west side of the
river, and were later discarded when a separate small team, acting under
special orders, (1880-1881) created the eastern side route
. It was at this time that Father Stephen (Catholic)
arrived alone, having followed the army’s trail from Fort Rice.
The survey efforts were completed, and the army started their return. One
company of the 17th Infantry and two troops of the 7th
Cavalry were left to guard the Stockade.
Marsh was then ordered to carry some mail that just arrived from Fort Rice,
back upstream to the Powder River contingent before they left for Bismarck. From there it
returned to the Stockade. On one of the ferry trips in mid August they met the Josephine
(Captain John Todd) coming up river loaded with some more supplies to be
delivered at Glendive Creek. Captain Marsh transferred to her and sent the Key West back to Bismarck
(Fort Abraham Lincoln).
In mid-August the Steamer Josephine (recently
completed at Freedom, PA, and a much smaller boat), was pressed into immediate
. The main body of the Army Command under General Stanley, delayed due
to bad weather, took an additional three weeks for them to reach the Yellowstone battle sites near the Big Horn. They fought
the Sioux at various places along the Yellowstone as far south as Pompey’s
, and for some distance inland towards the Musselshell.
With them was Lt. Charles Braden, who was shot through the left leg by a rifle
ball, shattering the bone from hip to knee
. He was carried on a stretcher back to where the Josephine was tied
up, and transferred to her. The Josephine then continued to ferry the command
across the Yellowstone in preparation for their long march back to Fort Rice.
It then returned to Fort Buford on the 17th with nine companies of
troops and 28 officers from the 8th & 9th Infantry
and conveyed to Sioux City.
Stopping at Fort Buford, on the way down stream, Captain Marsh picked up
William H. Seward (Clerk to Paymaster, Major William Smith), who was assigned
to pay off the troops at various posts along the river. He had one more post to
visit, Fort Stevenson. He also received word when he
departed that his wife had given birth, and he was very anxious to return home.
Captain Marsh was under strict orders not to make any unnecessary stops while
returning, but the paymaster’s clerk obviously needed some assistance, since
there was no transportation from Buford to Stevenson, or further travel
From this Captain Marsh came up with an immediate solution:
Calling his First Engineer, Charlie
Echols, he asked “Charlie, don’t you
think the engine valves ought to be ground?” Echols intently scrutinized the
face of his chief. “Well, I don’t know but they had, captain,” he replied
with a grin.
“Take you about half a day, won’t it
Reckon it will; about half a day.”
“Alright, we’ll do it
at Fort Stevenson.”
They took Seward aboard and delivered him to Fort Stevenson
to make payroll. When Seward completed paying off the troops he rejoined the
boat and the Josephine immediately started south, dropping Seward off at Bismarck so he could catch
the first train east. Eight years later Seward, wife and daughter, made a
special trip west to meet with Captain Marsh to thank him for his kindness.
The next stop was at Fort
Lincoln where Lt Braden was sent to
the post hospital, and awaited further journey to St Paul. A year later, and with no ability to
recover or to return to active duty, he retired. [Braden spent much of his
time compiling rosters and other Army source materials.] Braden left his
campaign hat on board, and Captain Marsh would not allow it to be removed from
Braden’s cabin, a memento of one soldier’s exceptional courage.
No trips on the Yellowstone were
recorded; however, the Josephine made several commercial trips between
Yankton and Fort Benton. Carroll was founded near the
mouth of the Musselshell River and served as a freight landing point for
overland shipment by wagon trains across Judith
Basin and into Helena. The Diamond R. Transportation
Company, backed by Carroll townspeople, enjoyed a brisk business for two years.
The shortcut took ten days less shipment time than the Fort Benton
delivery route. [By 1876 the route was virtually eliminated due to numerous
Sioux war party attacks, and steamers bypassed the stop.]
On 19 May, General Sherman ordered Col’s Forsythe and Grant, under orders from the War
Department, to commandeer the Steamer
Josephine for an Expedition up the Yellowstone to determine how far they could go, and to
determine places for military support to the army. The boat reached a
clear-water area on June 7th, about 1-1/2 mile west of Duck Creek Bridge, Billings,
MT, and then turned
around [vii] No civilians, excepting for the boat’s crew, were
permitted on board. Four mounted scouts were allowed along with a number of
While the
Josephine was en route on the Yellowstone with Colonel Forsythe, the War
Department, Engineering Section issued a direct order on June 14th,
to commandeer the Josephine and make a trip to the Yellowstone.
They actually meant, “to survey the headwaters of the Yellowstone
River where Yellowstone Park
is located,” but it was called “Yellowstone Expedition!” For this activity the
Josephine traveled on the Missouri River and discharged its passengers at Carroll, Montana, and
then returned to Fort
Buford on July 15th.
The members of this crew by numerous researchers have mistakenly been thought
to be the ones on the previous trip to Duck Creek! Captain Ludlow conducted
a survey of the Yellowstone River from Bozeman
Pass to its headwaters in Yellowstone Park. He returned on August 16th.
This is the trip that carried four Smithsonian Scientists mentioned in Captain
Grant Marsh’s 1907 letter to the President, and in Hanson’s book: “Conquest of
the Missouri”, pgs 221-223. It seems that after this was published, newspapers
and others intermixed the two trips. [Refer
to original notes.]
General Terry was sent into the Sioux Territory
to fight. From the previous trips it was clear that supplies needed by the Army
could be transported easily by “steamer” to the mouth of the Big Horn River. Boats used to provide the
supplies were: Far West, Tiger, Benton, Silver Lake,
Carroll, Yellowstone, Durfee and Josephine. By
1883, Josephine was the only boat on the river. After the Custer Battle,
Captain Marsh, commanding the Far West, on
June 30th, took on board 52 wounded, and Comanche, Custer’s injured horse.
He delivered them to Fort Lincoln and Bismarck.
The need for better fort
protection, as identified in General Pope’s 1863 original plan became evident,
and Congress committed $200,000 for two posts on the Yellowstone[viii]:
Fort Keogh (near the mouth of Tongue River, and usually referred to as the
Tongue River Post), and Fort Custer (located at the mouth of the Big Horn). On
July 24th the Quartermaster General of the Department of Dakota,
issued orders to provide building supplies to 2nd Lt. Drubb (Bismarck
Quartermaster). After learning the posts were to be built on the Yellowstone,
he first instructed the Key West to be loaded with lumber and shingles,
proceed to Fort Buford to take on a military guard, and go up the Yellowstone
(but not past Tongue River), look for General Forsythe, and leave supplies for
him at the new fort location. He later added five more Coulson boats to
transport materials, plus Wilder’s Silver
Lake and Peck’s Nellie
Peck. To accommodate the heavy military demand, the Coulson line had to charter
six more boats from their rivals.
John O’Brien, a local Billings’ Indian War Veteran, was stationed at Fort Richardson.
He was ordered to the Cheyenne Agency. He took the train to Yankton, and the
steamer Nellie Peck to the agency.[ix]

Fort Custer and Fort
Keogh were under
construction, and the boat traffic increased. The government opened a new bidding
contest. Twenty firms competed, and John B. Davis won the bid. He then
organized the Yellowstone Transportation Company, with John Reaney as manager[x].
Not having boats of their own, and unable to secure the lease of Missouri
riverboats from the other bidders, the company leased heavy Mississippi
Riverboats & crews, plus built towing barges to carry coal and supplies for
the journey; wood being too scarce. The pressures of delivery were too tough to
handle, and the freighting needs could not be met on schedule. One disaster
after another befell the company. Loss of all the supplies and the boat
Osceola, which was blown to pieces in a storm at the mouth of the Powder River, basically ended the short contract with the
Yellowstone Transportation Company. Lt. Drubb then loaded Coulson’s boats with
supplies anytime a Davis
boat was unavailable. By fall all of Davis’s
boats were unavailable. In late August the Davis contract was completed and he left the
area. (In 1878 he rebid the new
contract, but failed to win.) On October 10th, it was reported that
over 600 tons of military supplies still needed shipment. Providing supplies
were: Far West, Western, Tiger, Yellowstone, Peninah, General Meade, General
Sherman, Florence, Mayer, Osceola, Savannah, Kendall, Weaver, Victoria,
Arkansas, Fanchon, JC Fletcher, Tidal Wave, Silver City,
JH Rankin (sunk at the mouth of O’Fallon Creek), Rosebud, Big Horn, Fontanelle,
General Custer, and Josephine. By 1883, only the Meade, Rosebud, Big Horn
& Josephine remained. A Jewish man, by the name of Basinski, opened up
a tent store near the ferry on the north side of the Yellowstone,
across from Terry’s Landing. This was the start of Junction City. General Sherman and his staff
took the Rosebud
from Fort Lincoln
and onto the Yellowstone
River, arriving at its
mouth on July 13th. On the 17th he arrived at Tongue River, where General Miles was in process of
establishing a post there. On the 18th they arrived at the Little
Big Horn junction with the Big
Horn River
; and there he established a new post on the 21st. The river was
flowing eight-miles/hour in the bends. The General Sherman was stationed there,
and was used to run traffic & supplies from the Yellowstone
to the post. Sherman
took the Rosebud and examined the river for a good spot to offload there
military supplies. The river was too swift at the junction of the Big Horn with
the Yellowstone, so he selected a place three miles upstream on the south bank
of the Yellowstone for that purpose.
(Cantonment Terrry – directly southeast of where Junction City was located. It was a 30-mile
trek to the new fort by wagons.)
The Indian
Service released a split-supply contract in New York, with the C.K. Peck & C.M.
Primeau (associate of Peck). Five steamers were used to carry the supplies,
plus General Terry’s military freight. Coulson’s steamers were thus available
for other freighting activities. On one the 1877 trips, Thomas McGirl, who had
recently homesteaded on some land at the confluence of the Prior Creek with the
Yellowstone (later Huntley), went to Bismarck
and ordered some needed supplies for a trading post he was establishing. The
Josephine carried supplies for him, arriving at the end of May. At the McGirl
Trading post Captain Marsh took on a load of furs. From there he proceeded
upstream to where other homesteaders were reported to be residing. At this
time, all were absent, and the only probable apparent campsite (tent) was
Joseph MV Cochran’s, located at the site of the famed “Josephine Tree”. It was
here that the Josephine docked; and deLacy recorded the event. Captain Marsh
reported the docking as being June 7th. This simple date and location has been
interchanged with the actual June 6th, 1875 docking date when
Colonel Forsythe was exploring the Yellowstone
River, and stopping about
1-1/2 mile west of Duck Creek. Walter W. deLacy (see above sketch), in his 1878
survey notes reported:
The Josephine
reached “this fractional township situated at the eastern end of Clark’s Fork Bottom. It is bounded on the south and east
by the Yellowstone River, which has been navigated in 1877 to a
point within the township [Range 26E, Township 1S, Section 16] and a little
above [downstream from the boat’s position] the town of Coulson. The only timber in the township is
Cottonwoods along the Yellowstone
River and on the islands.
Tree marked by steamer ‘Josephine’ bears north 50 links distant, the highest
point ascended to by steamboats.” Captain Grant Marsh stated in a 1907
letter that he marked the tree “Josephine, June 7, 1875. On the 1878 survey map Walter deLacy recorded what was
actually carved on the tree, and reported it as “Highest point reached by a
steamboat in 1877.” There is no record of any tree being marked according to
the military report issued by Colonels Forsythe and Grant in 1875.
Peck retained
part of the supply contract, and Coulson received all the rest. Supplies for
the Red Cloud & Spotted Tail agencies were estimated at 900 carloads. Nine
riverboats traveled the river, making 15 trips in total to Sherman, with some
going on to Terry’s Landing (opposite of Junction), and one to Camp Bertie
located near to Pompey’s Pillar. The supplies they delivered brought business
to freighters who hauled loads to Bozeman. Some went by stagecoach.
The steamers
Rosebud, Butte, Helena, Eclipse, General
Sherman, Batchelor, Big Horn, General Custer, Yellowstone, General Rucker,
General Terry, General Tompkins, Peninah, and General Meade made trips on the Yellowstone. Nine of these steamers made 15 trips, with
stops at Junction. At the time, Junction was on the “Outlaw Trail” a route from
Utah to Canada. George Parker (Butch
Cassidy) was one of the outlaws who used the trail.
It was
reported by the Bismarck Tribune[xi]
that private shipments amounting to about 4,675 tons was equally divided
between the Coulson, Benton and Baker Lines. Shipments were made to all points
on the Missouri and Yellowstone River.
FY Batchelor
delivered 50 tons of merchandise to Terry’s Landing (South of Yellowstone,
across from Junction)
Steamers Rosebud,
Helena, Butte,
Big Horn, Nellie Peck, General Terry, Batchelor, Western, and Josephine made
trips on the Yellowstone. Peninah II made its
last trip to Fort
Only the
Batchelor, Josephine, Rosebud, Big Horn, Helena,
Black Hills, and Eclipse were on the river.
Freight deliveries were made to:
May & June Miles City, Glendive, Fort
Keogh, Fort
Custer & Fort Buford
October Popular
River & Fort Buford
Steam boating
on the Yellowstone
River essentially came to
a close, with the hauling of materials for NPR mainly by NPR #1 and #2. The
Eclipse made one trip, the General Terry one trip, and the F. Y. Batchelor made
four short trips, its last being to Junction City. Some minor excursions were made near the mouth of the Yellowstone until about 1910. Deliveries were:
April Little
Muddy, Fort Buford,
Miles City (beer)
June Fort Buford,
Popular River, Wolf
During one of
these trips the Batchelor stopped at Guy’s Landing to deliver supplies.
T.C. Power
used the NPR for shipments to his Benton-Billings freight line. Business was so
profitable that he moved his warehouses to Billings to better serve the storage needs.
The FY Batchelor made two trips to Fort Custer from Myers. Once a week supplies
were delivered to Heman Clark at Coulson, where he was installing a waterworks
system for use by NPR at Billings. The steamer also delivered supplies for the
Winston Company (ST. Paul) who were laying track in the Billings area. During
the summer, supplies were delivered to the army stationed at various points
along the river to guard the workers while the track was being constructed.
On Tuesday August 22nd, NPR Locomotive #84 (W. Snyder, Engineer,
along with the construction engineer, and conductor, FB Smith) crossed the
Yellowstone River.
Pacific #2 was the tender for constructing the bridge over the Big Horn
River. Additionally it
took rail cars across the river while the bridge was being constructed.
No steamboats
on the Yellowstone, all were on the Missouri,
however, the FY Batchelor and the NPR #2, earlier in 1882 made it as far north
as Pease Bottom (12 miles below Junction
City, its destination) and had to wait until spring to
continue down river. While stuck in the ice Captain & Mrs. Woolfolk (NPR
#2) & gave a dance on the boat Because the accommodations had low ceilings,
Mrs Wolfolk and a friend Miss Rene Vander Power went over to the Batchelor to
arrange dinner tables for the party to come later. Suddenly the ice broke, and
the steamer turned sidewise against the current and the ice flows. The cables
of both boats were strained, and the crews quickly attacked more cables to
other trees for safety. The NPR in 1883 made a special contract with the two
foremost remaining steamboat companies that essentially sealed their fate: Fort
Benton Transportation Company (Owned by TC Power and organized in 1875) and
Missouri River Transportation Company (Owned by Coulson).
Any imports or exports
of points on the Missouri above Bismarck, which also had
to be handled by the railroad, would be channeled through NPR.
The steamboat
companies could not carry freight, which was delivered to the Missouri River
below Bismarck.
The steamboat
companies could not carry freight destined for points on the NPR line.
No steamboats would
trade on the Yellowstone
River, and:
NPR would give the
steamboat companies the benefit of reduced rates and rebates.
all riverboat trade in the Yellowstone
River Valley
was eliminated. All smaller riverboat companies in Montana were eliminated from competition;
and these two giants had very profitable years. In 1885 Coulson withdrew from
the Missouri
trade. The two remaining NPR boats (#1 and #2) were delivered to Bismarck in
May & June, thus ending the river travel.
Captain Grant
Marsh carried concrete between Glendive and the Mondak Dam on the steamer Expansion.
In July he transported the Hon. Secretary of Interior, Mr. Garfield and
Senators Dixon and Carter of Montana and their party from Glendive to the
headgate of the irrigating ditch on the Expansion, and all agreed that the
navigation of the river should be conserved. This same Yellowstone River
has well served a mighty purpose in the past, in the pioneer days, and well deserves
the protecting hand of the government. From this meeting he wrote a letter in
1907 to President Roosevelt, protesting the potential damming of the Yellowstone.
Riverboat Summary
[Click on
image link (where available) to preview photographs and sketches of the
riverboat] Other referenced links are not available; just reference sites to
local source documents. Source material obtained from http://www.members.tripod.com riverboat
site & the above noted books. Please note that many of these steamers were
reconfigured over time, thus changing the dimensions and decks to better
accommodate the freight trade. Accordingly, there are various reports. There
appears to be no clear-cut identification for the multiple names assigned to
some steamers used in the local areas; Eclipse, Eclipse2. The ones listed below
from the numerous sources listed are attempted to be a summary of the launch
condition. Photographs are difficult to obtain at time of launch.
Net Tonnage
Draft Unladen
Tonnage @ 3 Ft
Tonnage @ 2 Ft
Original Owner
12” @50 tons
Big Horn
Black Hills-1
Black Hills-2
Parts from Silver
C. W. Meade
12” @ 50 tons
E. H. Durfee
Eclipse (2)
Eclipse (3)
Eclipse (4)
Y. Batchelor
3.5 then 4
Leighton & Jordan
General Custer
General D.H. Rucker
General Meade
General Sherman[xxii]
US Gov’t
US Gov’t
Josephine (1881-on
Key West[xxix]
Mary McDonald
Peninah #2
R . M. Johnson[xxxiv]
US Gov’t
Sioux City[xxxvii]
Cooper & Sawyer
Tidal Wave (Grand Pacific[xxxix])
Kountz (Kouns?)
Western Engineer[xlii]
US Army
6 ft @75 tons
American Fur Co