Some of the buildings and businesses in existence in 1905 and in 1925 are
listed for reference. The number preceding the information refers to the street
address. Where the address information follows the Store Name, and is placed in
brackets and listed as ".(.corner of ...); the
number does not exist, but is placed for reference only. Many businesses were
listed only by their relative location, such as corner of 28th and 1st Ave North;
middle of block, etc.. Information was extracted from
City Directories. These directories do not list the businesses by street
address, and during the extraction it was noted that there did appear to be
some discrepancies. Also not all business were listed
in the address section of the directories. Later, the directories included the
street address information. The Northern Pacific Railway is the city dividing
line. In 1905 Montana
avenue ran from N 19th Street West to Division Street, and it was the first street north
of the railroad track. It extended east beyond the city limits (19th street) for
several blocks. Billings
in 1905 boasted as having 26 saloons.
In 1905 the City Hall fire bell was to be sounded twice at 9 pm, indicating
curfew. Rapid repeating indicated a fire.
P B Merrell, Abattoir (15th & corner)
Lavelle Brick Manufg (Opposite from Merrell)
1801-R W Ray Grain & Feed (18th on Corner)
1807-Jacob Krein (res)
1815-Andrew Wilson
1920-Continental Oil Co (Corner 20th)
1920-Carpenter Paper Co (NE Corner 20th)
2001-Snyder Sheep Co (NW Corner 20th)
2019-Nathaniel Martin Pickle Manufacturing
2100-Idaho Bean & Elevator Co (SE Corner 20th)
2201-Blacksmith Shop & Alfred Bury - Coal Supplier
(Corner 22nd)
Building - 2221 (Build
in 1928
2300-Midland Implement Co
2319-Spencer Café
2320-Union Depot (SS of Montana Ave)
2400-Billings Brewery (NE Corner)
2400-Gage Hotel (NE Corner)
2401-Rex Hotel (NW Corner)
2405-George Makino Café
2407-Decker's Curio Shop
2409-Tony Honkawa Café
A L Babcock Hardware (Between 24th and 25th)
2411-Oxford Hotel
2413 1/2- Dallas Hotel
2413-Perley Lewis Barber
2415-Yellowstone Valley Mills (Bet 24th & 25th)
2415-Selvig Café
2417-The Maverick (Boarding House)
2417-Font Hitchcock (res)
2419-McCormick Hotel
2419-McCormick's Department Store
Avenue Grocer & Soft Drinks
2423-Ferndale Café
Billings Brewery (NE Corner of 24th) Three story brick
building built in 1899 had 40 employees, was destroyed in 1959. Its beer
slogan was: “never caused biliousness”.
2501 1/2-Carlin Hotel
2501-Max Friedwald (2nd Hand
2503 1/2-Star Rooms
2505-L Burroughs Carpentry
2505-Louis Melnick Clothing
2505-Sims & Winrod Boarding
2507 1/2-George Hendershott Auto
& Livery
2507-St Louis Café
2509 - Mrs Sarah Roth Boarding
2509-Samuel McKown
Blacksmith/Peters Painter
2511 1/2 Jno Gruening
2511-Frank Wax Barber
2513-Mrs Osborne's Café
2513 1/2-Roselyn Apartments
2517-Billings Opera House
2517-Usui Café
2519-Harry Goldberg Shoes
2521-Alex Madenberg Clothing
2521-Dennis Keene
2521-Elmer Gehrt (Laborer)
Building (2521-2523)

2523-Commercial Hotel (Was formerly known as the Driscoll Building)
2600-MacKay Co (Farm Implements)
2600-Northwest Equipment Co (Road Machinery)
2601 1/2-Frank Swim Soft Drinks
2601-Montana Agate Co
2603-Mrs Katie Schraff Furnished
2603 1/2-Star Rooms (Boarding House & Stables)
2603- Peter Peroe Confectioner
2603-Jno Muller Shoe Repair
2605-C E Smith New & 2nd Hand Goods & Storage
2606-Mills-Durant Star Co (Automobiles)
2607 1/2-Stockwell's Employment Bureau
2607 1/2-Krank Kinnane Jeweler
2607 ˝-Mrs Della Stockwell
Boarding Rooms
2607 - Ballard & Mendenhall Saloon
2607-Yellowstone Café
2609 1/2-Cliff Lindsay surgeon
2609 1/2-Modern Rooms
2609-Frank Chapman Harnesses
2609-David Kohn Clothing
2911-J R Storm Confectioner
2611-Boston Café
2613-Mint Saloon
2613 1/2 Hotel
2613 1/2-Iorwerth Jones Barbershop
2613 1/2-Birdie Key Barbershop
2614-Logan Glass & Paint
2615-Thomas Manley Cigar Mfg
2617-Boston Store
2617-Joseph Gansl Pawnbroker
2619-21-Billings Hardware Co
2619-Shelling Café
Fenske Block - 2623

2623-Fenske Wholesale Liquors
2623 1/2-Nicholas Kanakaris Soft
2623 - Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assn
2623-Alf Wagner Clothing
2623 - Val Blatz Brewing Co
National Bank
Building - NW 27th
2701-First National Bank (PB
Moss Pres)
2701-Billings Gazette (The Gazette Printing Co)
2701-Louis Kirchais Barbershop
2701-Louis Kirchais Barbershop
2702-Baker Transfer & Storage
2703-Holmes & Rixon Drugs
& Toiletries & Jeffrey Tailor
& Jones Druggists (Gazette Bldg)
2705-Golden Rule Department Store
2705-Louis Melnick Clothing
2706-Henry Frith (Lawyer)
Midland Bank Bldg
2706-Louis Herron (res)
2707-Yellowstone National Bank
2707-Yellow Cab
2707 ˝-Mrs Partridge Boarding House
Building - 2708
2709-Golden Rule Store
2711- Lindsay Billings Co (Wholesale Fruits)
2711-Luzon Café
2711-Luzon Café
2713 1/2-William Gates News Dealer
2713-Sideboard Saloon
2713-Abe Herman Pawnbroker
2714-Montana Paint & Varnish Co
Losekamp Building
- 2715
2715-Billings Loan & Trust Co
Middlesex Banking. Peoples Savings Bank
Billings Water Power Company
2715-Kotasis & Antonopolis
2715 1/2-Ensign Hunkins Jeweler
& Optician
2715 1/2-
Babcock-Selvidge Building
- 2716
2716 -
2717-Helena Record Office/NY Bargain Store
2717 ˝ - O C Ovren Confectioner
2719-2721-Vogue Clothing & Shoe Company
2720-Carl Matthey Knitting Mill
2719 - Thomas Manley Cigars
Belknap Block - NE 28th
2725-Chapple Drug Store
Suite 12
˝ - J G Link, Architect
2723-Chapple Drug Store
Don-McCormick Block - NW 28th
2800-Donovan-McCormick Co Department Store (NW Corner
2800- Johnson Sisters Dressmakers
2800-Billings Hardware
2807- Kain's Bungalow
IOOF Halls - 2809
2809-William Donovan Grocer & IOOF
2811-Yellowstone Meat Market & J R Storm-Cigars
2811-Mowre's Pool Hall / Billings Popcorn
2811-Mrs Neagle Boarding Rooms
2812-Northern Pacific Railway Agent Office
2812-Northern Pacific Railway Agent Office
2813-Branch Saloon
2813-Stagg Cigar Store
2813 1/2-Charles Prince Barber
2813 1/2-
2815-Colonial Café
2817-John Losekamp Boots & Clothing
2817 1/2-Ranier Hotel
2821-Clark Hotel
Billings State Bank (2821)
2821-Rex Laundry Co
Library Building
- SE 29th
2822-Parmly Billings
Library (Mabel Collins Libr)+A16
2822-Parmly Billings
Gruwell Block & Hall - NE
Business College
W T Luddy Billiard Hall in Basement
Mrs Cameron Furnished Rooms (#29)
2823-Custer Hdwe Co
2824-Setzler Furniture & Undertaker (NE 29th)
2905-Mrs Larson's Restaurant
2907-Soo Chong Laundry
2907 ˝ - Grotto Springs Floral Company
2909-Western Hardware Co
2909-Ernest Tenny Sign Painter
2911-Home Bakery (J R Storm)
2911-Connolly Bros Saddlery
2915-Frank Victory Shoemaker
2917-Salvation Army Barracks
2917 - Gagnon Carpentry (Rear of Building)
2923-Enterprise Furniture Co
2923-United Brotherhood of Carpenters
Geo Setzler Furniture (NE Corner
Northern Pacific Railroad (SW Corner 29th)
Northern Pacific Railroad (SW Corner 29th)
3001-Hopper & Wagner Dermatoligists
3009-Auto Repair Shop
3015-Berryman Bros Plumbing and Heating
3017-19-The Furniture Shop
3017-Hardin Apartments
3019-Billings Greenhouse
3023-Holmes & Rixon boarders
3101-Glen Getty (Cleaner)
3111-Charles Johnson (res)
3111-Everette McCormick (res)
3115-Alma Matheny Grocer
3123-Western Union Telegraph Co
3303-Amelia Hannah (Resident)
3401-Nicholas Jacobs (res)
3419-Leo Glennon (NPRR Car Repairman)
3421-Ella Jacobs (res)
3509-Frank Houser (res)
3517-Hazleton Bros (res)
3523-Billings Marble & Granite Works & A S Mooney
Stone Mason
3523-Billings Marble & Granite Works