St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
(United Church of Christ – 3rd
Ave South & 34th Street)
Billings, Montana
Revised 30 April, 2016

The Evangelical Lutheran St. Pauls Church was founded and incorporated on
March 3, 1923. Reverend F. T. Schmidt by order of the Honorable Missions
Committee of the North Dakota District of the Lutheran Synod of Iowa and other
states came to Billings several times to guide the congregation in the
transactions necessary to establish a new church. There were 48 founding
members. Pastor Schmidt was elected to serve the church and its congregation on
April 1, 1923. Architects Link
& Hair designed the building. A German master-builder, Mr. Sebodt was hired
to construct the facility for $10, 750.00. The cornerstone was laid on August
5, 1923, a Sunday. Pastor H. Jannsen from Marsh, MT gave the Festival Sermon. Church
history (and its congregational lists for the period of 1923 through 1992) has
been donated to the Forum by Howard Guenthner. The church was officially closed
by membership vote as of March 29, 1992.
founding church officers were:
Adam Bender – Moderator Jacob
Strecker - Trustee
Jacob Walter – Treasurer Conrad
Wacker - Trustee
Fredrick Roth – Secretary Conrad
Lenhardt – Trustee
Founding Members (August 5, 1923) were:
Henry Amen, Jacob Alles, Henry Badt, Jacob Bekel, George Bender, George Deines,
John Gisick, Henry C. Guenther, Henry Gunther, Sr., Jacob Eckhardt, Conrad Hein
Sr., Conrad Hein, Jr., John Hein, Sr., John Hein, Jr., John Hergett, George
Kissler, Conrad Kristel, Jacob Koch, George Lackman, David Lackman, Sr., Henry
D. Lackman, Jr., David miller, George miller, Frederick Rutt, Jacob Ruff, Henry
Rehm, Alexander Rauh, Philipp Reuter, Jacob Sailor, George Schlentz, George
Stieber, David Stieber, Henry Stieber, Jacob Strecker, Jr., Wilhelm Walter,
Frederich Walter, Andreas Worm, Sr., Andreas Worm, Jr., John Yerger, and George
are three ledgers in the set: [Most of the information is presented in
Ledger I – 1914 to 1926
Ø Personen
– oder Seelen [Membership]
Ø Tauf
Ø Konfirmation
Ø Toten
Ledger II – 1925 to 1949
Ø Miscellaneous,
church seals and membership lists
Ø Gemeinde
– Beamten (1923 – 1927) [Congregational officers]
Ø Personen
– oder Seelen [Membership]
Ø Tauf
– [Baptism]
Ø Konfirmanden
– [Confirmation]
Ø Trau
– [Marriages]
Ø Toten
– [Death]
Ø Kommunikanten
– [Candidate for Confirmation]
Ø Miscellaneous - [Member contribution, chronicles of
events from April 1944 through August 17, 1952]
Ledger III – 1950 through 1995
Ø Members
Ø Congregation
Ø Baptisms
– 1950 through 1981
Ø Confirmands
– 1950 through 1981
Ø Marriage
Records – 1950 through 1983
Ø Deaths
– 1950 through 1995, including some obituaries.
J. White, Rudolph & Marjorie Lenhardt Lackman during the summer of 2000,
copied the records.
Katy Hestand
Yellowstone County Coordinator