Biographical Sketches
JOHN MCDERMOTT, P. O. Radersburg, present sheriff of Jefferson county, was born in the North of Ireland, June 24, 1843; made a trip to America in 1848, remaining until 1852, when he returned to his native country. In 1855 he came to the United States, locating in Wisconsin and remaining until 1860, when he emigrated to Pike's Peak, thence to Bannack, arriving at the latter place June 14, 1863. In a few days he left for Alder, locating in Nevada and owning the "Discovery." There were two other parties interested with Mr. McDermott and together they were proprietors of seven claims. Some of these claims proved to be quite rich, the net proceeds of Mr. McDermott and one man's work being $60,000. This was in the summer of 1864. After remaining at Alder Gulch for two years Mr. McDermott engaged in mining at Blackfoot, Ophir, and Deep and Bear Gulches, tributaries of Deer Lodge river, remaining at the latter place three years. He abandoned mining and after acting as deputy sheriff of Deer Lodge county for a time was elected to that office for one year. Leaving Deer Lodge, went on a stampede to southern California, coming back by way of Pioche, Nev., which had recently been struck. After a three weeks' stay at Pioche he returned to Deer Lodge and engaged in butchering in Deer Lodge City for fourteen months. He remained in that vicinity until 1881, when he became interested in the placer mines on the Big and Little Boulder, and coming to Jefferson county was elected sheriff in the fall of 1882. Mr. McDermott was an eye witness to the hanging of Collins, one of Slade's teamsters, at Virginia City, who was the first man hung within the limits of Montana.
Source: Transcription from the book, History of Montana, 1739-1885, published in 1885; located on the website, Hathitrust Digital Library (, accessed 8 February 2023.