State law limits
the parties that can obtain a certified birth certificate and
proof of identity is required.
Birth certificates less than 30 years old are NOT public
record and can only be issued as certified ($5.00). Also, they
can only be issued to the individual named (if 18) mother, or
father. Unless a grandparent has guardianship, which must be
proven, grandparents are NOT authorized to get copies -
certified or non-certified - birth certificates unless the
registrant is more than 30 years old. If a man requests a birth
certificate alleging to be the father, IF, when we bring the
certificate up on the system there is no father listed, he can
NOT be given the certificate. For a parent to receive a
copy of the certificate, they must be listed on the
certificate. People doing genealogy research will only get an
informational copy ($0.50). Genealogy copies will be stamped as
informational and can not be used for any legal purpose.