Mineral County boasts a lively history. It began as the westerly part of
Missoula County. In 1859 Captain John Mullan and his men located a trail along
the Clark Fork (Missoula) River westward. This historic trail was later improved
and named the Mullan Road. In 1869 L.A. Barrett discovered gold on Cedar Creek.
Shortly thereafter the town of Superior was established at the mouth of Cedar
Creek. In 1890 the Northern Pacific Railroad was built through the area and in
1897 the first large lumber mill was built at St. Regis. The Milwaukee Railroad
was built through the valley in 1907. The following year a devastating flood of
the Clark Fork River occurred.
Shortly thereafter, Mineral County
experienced the trauma of the 1910 fire which destroyed many areas of Mineral
County. In 1914, citizens of the area became disenchanted with the services they
were receiving from Missoula County and voted to break away and create their own
County. After some lively competition, Superior was chosen as the county seat.
In 1933 disaster again struck the area, with a fire at St. Regis on July 11 and
a flood in December. In 1946 the Missoula River underwent a name change to the
Clark Fork River. It flooded the town of Superior 2 years later in 1948. The
county was home to many Civilian Conservation Corps workers during the Great
Depression. The Historical Registry lists three county buildings, Savenac
Nursery Compound (1907), the DeBorgia School House (1908), and the Superior
School House.
Superior during 1890s, Courtesy of Sharon Arthur Knapp
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